function ctools_attach_css

Format a css file name for use with $form['#attached']['css'].

This helper function is used by ctools but can also be used in other modules in the same way as explained in the comments of ctools_include.

$form['#attached']['css'] = array(
$form['#attached']['css'][ctools_attach_css('collapsible-div')] = array(
    'preprocess' => FALSE,


$file: The base file name to be included.

$module: Optional module containing the include.

$dir: Optional subdirectory containing the include file.

Return value

string A string containing the appropriate path from drupal root.

1 call to ctools_attach_css()
CtoolsModuleTestCase::testAttachCss in tests/ctools.test
Test the ctools_attach_css function returns the expected paths.


./ctools.module, line 227


function ctools_attach_css($file, $module = 'ctools', $dir = 'css') {
    return drupal_get_path('module', $module) . "/{$dir}/{$file}.css";