27 calls to views_include()

drupal_build_form in ./views.module
Views' replacement for drupal_get_form so that we can do more with less.
drush_views_analyze in drush/views.drush.inc
template_preprocess_views_ui_edit_view in includes/admin.inc
Preprocess the view edit page.
ViewsSqlTest::getBasicView in tests/views_query.test
Build and return a basic view of the views_test table.
views_ajax in includes/ajax.inc
Menu callback to load a view via AJAX.
views_block in ./views.module
Implementation of hook_block
views_discover_default_views in ./views.module
Scan all modules for default views and rebuild the default views cache.
views_fetch_data in ./views.module
Fetch Views' data from the cache
views_fetch_plugin_data in ./views.module
Fetch the plugin data from cache.
views_get_all_views in ./views.module
Return an array of all views as fully loaded $view objects.
views_get_default_view in ./views.module
Get a view from the default views defined by modules.
views_get_handler in ./views.module
Fetch a handler from the data cache.
views_get_view in ./views.module
Get a view from the database or from default views.
views_include_handlers in ./views.module
Load views files on behalf of modules.
views_new_view in ./views.module
Create an empty view to work with.
views_ui_add_display in includes/admin.inc
AJAX callback to add a display.
views_ui_ajax_form in includes/admin.inc
Generic entry point to handle forms.
views_ui_analyze_view in includes/admin.inc
Page callback to display analysis information on a view.
views_ui_analyze_view_form in includes/admin.inc
Form constructor callback to display analysis information on a view
views_ui_autocomplete_tag in includes/admin.inc
Page callback for views tag autocomplete
views_ui_cache_load in ./views_ui.module
Specialized menu callback to load a view either out of the cache or just load it.
views_ui_cache_set in ./views_ui.module
Specialized cache function to add a flag to our view, include an appropriate include, and cache more easily.
views_ui_clone_display in includes/admin.inc
AJAX callback to add a display.
views_ui_edit_details in includes/admin.inc
Page callback to edit details of a view.
views_ui_import_validate in includes/admin.inc
Validate handler to import a view
views_ui_preview in includes/admin.inc
Page callback for the live preview.
views_ui_reorder_view in includes/admin.inc
Page callback to display analysis information on a view.