11 calls to views_get_view()

views_ajax in includes/ajax.inc
Menu callback to load a view via AJAX.
views_arg_load in ./views.module
Helper function for menu loading. This will automatically be called in order to 'load' a views argument; primarily it will be used to perform validation.
views_block in ./views.module
Implementation of hook_block
views_embed_view in ./views.module
Embed a view using a PHP snippet.
views_get_view_result in ./views.module
Get the result of a view.
views_page in ./views.module
Page callback entry point; requires a view and a display id, then passes control to the display handler.
views_ui_add_form_validate in includes/admin.inc
Validate the add view form.
views_ui_cache_load in ./views_ui.module
Specialized menu callback to load a view either out of the cache or just load it.
views_ui_default_load in ./views_ui.module
Specialized menu callback to load a view that is only a default view.
views_ui_edit_view_form_submit in includes/admin.inc
Submit handler for the edit view form.
views_ui_import_validate in includes/admin.inc
Validate handler to import a view