11 calls to views_css_safe()
- template_preprocess_views_view in theme/
theme.inc - Preprocess the primary theme implementation for a view.
- template_preprocess_views_view_fields in theme/
theme.inc - Preprocess theme function to print a single record from a row, with fields
- template_preprocess_views_view_list in theme/
theme.inc - Display the view as an HTML list element
- template_preprocess_views_view_table in theme/
theme.inc - Display a view as a table style.
- views_exposed_form in ./
views.module - Form builder for the exposed widgets form.
- views_handler_field::element_classes in handlers/
views_handler_field.inc - Return the class of the field.
- views_handler_field::element_label_classes in handlers/
views_handler_field.inc - Return the class of the field's label.
- views_handler_field::element_wrapper_classes in handlers/
views_handler_field.inc - Return the class of the field's wrapper.
- views_plugin_style::get_row_class in plugins/
views_plugin_style.inc - Return the token replaced row class for the specified row.
- views_theme in ./
views.module - Implementation of hook_theme(). Register views theming functions.
- views_ui_item_css in includes/
admin.inc - Get a css safe id for a particular section.