function views_plugin_display::init

Same name in other branches
  1. 7.x-3.x plugins/ \views_plugin_display::init()


plugins/, line 41


The default display plugin handler. Display plugins handle options and basic mechanisms for different output methods.


function init(&$view, &$display, $options = NULL) {
    $this->view =& $view;
    $this->display =& $display;
    // Make some modifications:
    if (!isset($options)) {
        $options = $display->display_options;
    if ($this->is_default_display() && isset($options['defaults'])) {
    // Cache for unpack_options, but not if we are in the ui.
    static $unpack_options = array();
    if (empty($view->editing)) {
        $cid = 'unpack_options:' . md5(serialize(array(
        if (empty($unpack_options[$cid])) {
            $cache = views_cache_get($cid, TRUE);
            if (!empty($cache->data)) {
                $this->options = $cache->data;
            else {
                $this->unpack_options($this->options, $options);
                views_cache_set($cid, $this->options, TRUE);
            $unpack_options[$cid] = $this->options;
        else {
            $this->options = $unpack_options[$cid];
    else {
        $this->unpack_options($this->options, $options);
    // Translate changed settings:
    $items_per_page = $this->get_option('items_per_page');
    $offset = $this->get_option('offset');
    $use_pager = $this->get_option('use_pager');
    $pager = $this->get_option('pager');
    // Check if the pager options were already converted.
    // The pager settings of a Views 2.x view specifying 10 items with an
    // offset of 0 and no pager is the same as of a Views 3.x view with
    // default settings. In this case, the only way to determine which case we
    // are dealing with is checking the API version but that's only available
    // for exported Views as it's not stored in the database.
    // If you would like to change this code, really take care that you thought
    // of every possibility.
    // @TODO: Provide a way to convert the database views as well.
    if (!empty($items_per_page) && $items_per_page != 10 || !empty($offset) || !empty($use_pager) || !empty($view->api_version) && $view->api_version == 2) {
        // Find out the right pager type.
        // If the view "use pager" it's a normal/full pager.
        if ($use_pager) {
            $type = 'full';
        else {
            $type = $items_per_page ? 'some' : 'none';
        // Setup the pager options.
        $pager = array(
            'type' => $type,
            'options' => array(
                'offset' => intval($offset),
        if ($items_per_page) {
            $pager['options']['items_per_page'] = $items_per_page;
        // Setup the pager element.
        if ($id = $this->get_option('pager_element')) {
            $pager['options']['id'] = $id;
        // Unset the previous options
        // After edit and save the view they will be erased
        $this->set_option('items_per_page', NULL);
        $this->set_option('offset', NULL);
        $this->set_option('use_pager', NULL);
        $this->set_option('pager', $pager);
    // Plugable headers, footer and empty texts are
    // not compatible with previous version of views
    // This code converts old values into a configured handler for each area
    foreach (array(
    ) as $area) {
        $converted = FALSE;
        if (isset($this->options[$area]) && !is_array($this->options[$area])) {
            if (!empty($this->options[$area])) {
                $content = $this->get_option($area);
                if (!empty($content) && !is_array($content)) {
                    $format = $this->get_option($area . '_format');
                    $options = array(
                        'id' => 'area',
                        'table' => 'views',
                        'field' => 'area',
                        'label' => '',
                        'relationship' => 'none',
                        'group_type' => 'group',
                        'content' => $content,
                        'format' => !empty($format) ? $format : variable_get('filter_default_format', 1),
                    if ($area != 'empty' && ($empty = $this->get_option($area . '_empty'))) {
                        $options['empty'] = $empty;
                    $this->set_option($area, array(
                        'text' => $options,
                    $converted = TRUE;
            // Ensure that options are at least an empty array
            if (!$converted) {
                $this->set_option($area, array());
    // Convert distinct setting from display to query settings.
    $distinct = $this->get_option('distinct');
    if (!empty($distinct)) {
        $query_settings = $this->get_option('query');
        $query_settings['options']['distinct'] = $distinct;
        $this->set_option('query', $query_settings);
        // Clear the values
        $this->set_option('distinct', NULL);
    // Convert filter groups.
    $filter_groups = $this->get_option('filter_groups');
    // Only convert if it wasn't converted yet, which is the case if there is a 0 group.
    if (isset($filter_groups['groups'][0])) {
        // Update filter groups.
        $filter_groups['groups'] = views_array_key_plus($filter_groups['groups']);
        $this->set_option('filter_groups', $filter_groups);
        // Update the filter group on each filter.
        $filters = $this->get_option('filters');
        foreach ($filters as &$filter) {
        $this->set_option('filters', $filters);