function view::render_field

Same name in other branches
  1. 7.x-3.x includes/ \view::render_field()

Render a specific field via the field ID and the row #

Note: You might want to use views_plugin_style::render_fields as it caches the output for you.


string $field: The id of the field to be rendered.

int $row: The row number in the $view->result which is used for the rendering.

Return value

string The rendered output of the field.


includes/, line 1110


An object to contain all of the data to generate a view, plus the member functions to build the view query, execute the query and render the output.


function render_field($field, $row) {
    if (isset($this->field[$field]) && isset($this->result[$row])) {
        return $this->field[$field]