function views_join::db_safe

Ensure that input is db safe. We only check strings and ints tho so something that needs floats in their joins needs to do their own type checking.

1 call to views_join::db_safe()
views_join::join in includes/
Build the SQL for the join this object represents.


includes/, line 1719


A function class to represent a join and create the SQL necessary to implement the join.


function db_safe($input, $info) {
    if (is_array($input)) {
        $output = array();
        foreach ($input as $value) {
            if (empty($info['numeric'])) {
                $output[] = db_escape_string($value);
            else {
                $output[] = intval($value);
    else {
        if (empty($info['numeric'])) {
            $output = db_escape_string($input);
        else {
            $output = intval($input);
    return $output;