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Title Object type File name Summary
hook_views_view_presave function ./views.api.php Allow modules to alter a view prior to being saved.
hook_views_view_save function ./views.api.php Allow modules to respond to a view being saved.
view::save function includes/ Save the view to the database.
view::save_locale_strings function includes/ Send strings for localization.
view::_save_rows function includes/ Save a row to the database for the given key.
ViewsUiGroupbyTestCase::testGroupBySave function tests/views_groupby.test Tests whether basic saving works.
views_db_object::save_row function includes/ Write the row to the database.
views_plugin_display_block::save_block_cache function plugins/ Save the block cache setting in the blocks table if this block already
exists in the blocks table. Dirty fix until
gets in.
views_plugin_localization::save function plugins/ Save string source for translation.
views_plugin_localization::save_string function plugins/ Save a string for translation.
views_plugin_localization_core::save_string function plugins/ Save a string for translation.
views_plugin_localization_none::save function plugins/ Save a string for translation; not supported.
views_save_view function ./views.module Export CRUD callback to save a view.
views_ui_add_form_save_submit function includes/ Process the add view form, 'save'.