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Title Object type File name Summary
views_plugin_style_summary_jump_menu::options_form function plugins/ Provide a form to edit options for this plugin.
views_plugin_style_summary_unformatted::options_form function plugins/ Provide a form to edit options for this plugin.
views_plugin_style_table::options_form function plugins/ Render the given style.
views_process_check_options function ./views.module Process callback to see if we need to check_plain() the options.
views_ui::list_sort_options function plugins/export_ui/views_ui.class.php Provide a list of sort options.
views_ui_pre_render_move_argument_options function includes/ Moves argument options into their place.
_field_view_formatter_options function modules/field/ Helper function: Return an array of formatter options for a field type.