Search for admin_summary

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Title Object type File name Summary
views_handler::admin_summary function includes/ Provide text for the administrative summary.
views_handler_area::admin_summary function handlers/ Provide extra data to the administration form.
views_handler_field::admin_summary function handlers/ Provide extra data to the administration form.
views_handler_filter::admin_summary function handlers/ Display the filter on the administrative summary.
views_handler_filter_boolean_operator::admin_summary function handlers/ Display the filter on the administrative summary.
views_handler_filter_fields_compare::admin_summary function handlers/ Display the filter on the administrative summary.
views_handler_filter_history_user_timestamp::admin_summary function modules/node/ Display the filter on the administrative summary.
views_handler_filter_in_operator::admin_summary function handlers/ Display the filter on the administrative summary.
views_handler_filter_node_access::admin_summary function modules/node/ Display the filter on the administrative summary.
views_handler_filter_node_status::admin_summary function modules/node/ Display the filter on the administrative summary.
views_handler_filter_node_tnid::admin_summary function modules/translation/ Display the filter on the administrative summary.
views_handler_filter_node_tnid_child::admin_summary function modules/translation/ Display the filter on the administrative summary.
views_handler_filter_numeric::admin_summary function handlers/ Display the filter on the administrative summary.
views_handler_filter_string::admin_summary function handlers/ Display the filter on the administrative summary.
views_handler_filter_term_node_tid::admin_summary function modules/taxonomy/ Display the filter on the administrative summary.
views_handler_filter_user_name::admin_summary function modules/user/ Display the filter on the administrative summary.
views_handler_sort::admin_summary function handlers/ Display whether or not the sort order is ascending or descending.
views_handler_sort_node_language::admin_summary function modules/locale/ Display whether or not the sort order is ascending or descending.