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Title Object type File name Summary
hook_views_preview_info_alter function docs/docs.php This hook should be placed in and it will be auto-loaded.
This must either be in the same directory as the .module file or in a subdirectory
named 'includes'.
view::preview function includes/ Preview the given display, with the given arguments.
views_plugin_display::preview function plugins/ Fully render the display for the purposes of a live preview or
some other AJAXy reason.
views_plugin_display_feed::preview function plugins/ Fully render the display for the purposes of a live preview or
some other AJAXy reason.
views_plugin_query::get_preview_info function plugins/ Return preview info.
views_plugin_query_default::get_preview_info function plugins/ Return preview info.
views_ui_preview function includes/ Page callback for the live preview.
views_ui_preview_form function includes/ Form for generating argument information for the live preview.
views_ui_preview_form_submit function includes/ Submit the preview form.