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Title Object type File name Summary
view::$items_per_page property includes/
view::get_items_per_page function includes/ Get the items per page from the pager.
view::set_items_per_page function includes/ Set the items per page on the pager.
views_db_object::get_items function includes/ Get an array of items for the current display.
views_handler_field_prerender_list::$items property handlers/ Stores all items which are used to render the items.
It should be keyed first by the id of the base table, for example nid.
The second key is the id of the thing which is displayed multiple times
per row, for example the tid.
views_handler_field_prerender_list::get_items function handlers/ Return an array of items for the field.
views_handler_field_prerender_list::render_items function handlers/ Render all items in this field together.
views_plugin_pager::$total_items property plugins/
views_plugin_pager::get_items_per_page function plugins/ Get how many items per page this pager will display.
views_plugin_pager::get_total_items function plugins/ Get the total number of items.
views_plugin_pager::items_per_page_exposed function plugins/
views_plugin_pager::set_items_per_page function plugins/ Set how many items per page this pager will display.
views_plugin_pager_full::items_per_page_exposed function plugins/
views_plugin_pager_none::get_items_per_page function plugins/ Get how many items per page this pager will display.