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Title Object type File name Summary
field.html file help/field.html
profile_views_fetch_field function modules/ Add profile fields to view table
profile_views_get_fields function modules/ Get all profile fields
style-fields.html file help/style-fields.html
template_preprocess_views_view_field function theme/ Process a single field within a view.
template_preprocess_views_view_fields function theme/ Preprocess theme function to print a single record from a row, with fields
theme_views_view_field function theme/ Display a single views field.
view::$field property includes/ Stores the field handlers which are initialized on this view.
view::render_field function includes/ Render a specific field via the field ID and the row #
Views' field handlers group handlers/ Handlers to tell Views how to build and display fields.
views-view-field.tpl.php file theme/views-view-field.tpl.php
views-view-fields.tpl.php file theme/views-view-fields.tpl.php views-view-fields.tpl.php
Default simple view template to all the fields as a row.
views_date_sql_field function includes/ Helper function to create cross-database SQL dates.
views_fetch_fields function includes/ Fetch a list of all fields available for a given base type.
views_handler::get_field function includes/ Shortcut to get a handler's raw field value.
views_handler_argument::$name_field property handlers/
views_handler_argument::summary_name_field function handlers/ Add the name field, which is the field displayed in summary queries.
This is often used when the argument is numeric.
views_handler_field class handlers/ Base field handler that has no options and renders an unformatted field. file handlers/
views_handler_field::$additional_fields property handlers/ Stores additional fields which get's added to the query.
The generated aliases are stored in $aliases.
views_handler_field::$aliases property handlers/
views_handler_field::$field_alias property handlers/
views_handler_field::add_additional_fields function handlers/ Add 'additional' fields to the query.
views_handler_field::add_self_tokens function handlers/ Add any special tokens this field might use for itself.
views_handler_field::admin_summary function handlers/ Provide extra data to the administration form
views_handler_field::advanced_render function handlers/ Render a field using advanced settings.
views_handler_field::allow_advanced_render function handlers/ Determine if this field can allow advanced rendering.
views_handler_field::click_sort function handlers/ Called to determine what to tell the clicksorter.
views_handler_field::click_sortable function handlers/ Determine if this field is click sortable.
views_handler_field::construct function handlers/ Construct a new field handler.
views_handler_field::document_self_tokens function handlers/ Document any special tokens this field might use for itself.
views_handler_field::element_classes function handlers/ Return the class of the field.
views_handler_field::element_label_classes function handlers/ Return the class of the field's label.
views_handler_field::element_label_type function handlers/ Return an HTML element for the label based upon the field's element type.
views_handler_field::element_type function handlers/ Return an HTML element based upon the field's element type.
views_handler_field::element_wrapper_classes function handlers/ Return the class of the field's wrapper.
views_handler_field::element_wrapper_type function handlers/ Return an HTML element for the wrapper based upon the field's element type.
views_handler_field::get_elements function handlers/ Provide a list of elements valid for field HTML.
views_handler_field::get_render_tokens function handlers/ Get the 'render' tokens to use for advanced rendering.
views_handler_field::get_value function handlers/ Get the value that's supposed to be rendered.
views_handler_field::init function handlers/ init the handler with necessary data.
views_handler_field::label function handlers/ Get this field's label.
views_handler_field::options_form function handlers/ Default options form that provides the label widget that all fields
should have.
views_handler_field::option_definition function handlers/ Information about options for all kinds of purposes will be held here.
views_handler_field::pre_render function handlers/ Run before any fields are rendered.
views_handler_field::query function handlers/ Called to add the field to a query.
views_handler_field::render function handlers/ Render the field.
views_handler_field::render_altered function handlers/ Render this field as altered text, from a fieldset set by the user.
views_handler_field::render_as_link function handlers/ Render this field as a link, with the info from a fieldset set by
the user.
views_handler_field::render_text function handlers/ Perform an advanced text render for the item.