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Title Object type File name Summary
hook_views_post_execute function docs/docs.php This hook is called right after the execute process. The query has
been executed, but the pre_render() phase has not yet happened for
hook_views_pre_execute function docs/docs.php This hook is called right before the execute process. The query is
now fully built, but it has not yet been run through db_rewrite_sql.
view::$executed property includes/
view::execute function includes/ Execute the view's query.
view::execute_display function includes/ Execute the given display, with the given arguments.
To be called externally by whatever mechanism invokes the view,
such as a page callback, hook_block, etc.
view::execute_hook_block function includes/ Called to get hook_block information from the view and the
named display handler.
view::execute_hook_menu function includes/ Called to get hook_menu() information from the view and the named display handler.
view::post_execute function includes/ Unset the current view, mostly.
view::pre_execute function includes/ Run attachments and let the display do what it needs to do prior
to running.
ViewsSqlTest::executeView function tests/views_query.test Helper function to execute a view with debugging.
views_plugin_display::execute function plugins/ When used externally, this is how a view gets run and returns
data in the format required.
views_plugin_display::pre_execute function plugins/ Set up any variables on the view prior to execution. These are separated
from execute because they are extremely common and unlikely to be
overridden on an individual display.
views_plugin_display_attachment::execute function plugins/ When used externally, this is how a view gets run and returns
data in the format required.
views_plugin_display_block::execute function plugins/ The display block handler returns the structure necessary for a block.
views_plugin_display_block::execute_hook_block function plugins/ The default block handler doesn't support configurable items,
but extended block handlers might be able to do interesting
stuff with it.
views_plugin_display_default::execute function plugins/ The default execute handler fully renders the view.
views_plugin_display_extender::pre_execute function plugins/ Set up any variables on the view prior to execution.
views_plugin_display_feed::execute function plugins/ Feeds do not go through the normal page theming mechanism. Instead, they
go through their own little theme function and then return NULL so that
Drupal believes that the page has already rendered itself...which it has.
views_plugin_display_page::execute function plugins/ The display page handler returns a normal view, but it also does
a drupal_set_title for the page, and does a views_set_page_view
on the view.
views_plugin_display_page::execute_hook_menu function plugins/ Add this display's path information to Drupal's menu system.
views_plugin_exposed_form::pre_execute function plugins/
views_plugin_pager::execute_count_query function plugins/ Execute the count query, which will be done just prior to the query
itself being executed.
views_plugin_pager::post_execute function plugins/ Perform any needed actions just after the query executing.
views_plugin_pager::pre_execute function plugins/ Perform any needed actions just prior to the query executing.
views_plugin_pager_none::execute_count_query function plugins/ Execute the count query, which will be done just prior to the query
itself being executed.
views_plugin_pager_none::post_execute function plugins/ Perform any needed actions just after the query executing.
views_plugin_query::execute function plugins/ Executes the query and fills the associated view object with according
views_plugin_query_default::execute function plugins/ Executes the query and fills the associated view object with according