function RulesUIController::overviewTableRow

Generates the row for a single rules config.


array $conditions: An array of conditions as needed by rules_config_load_multiple().

array $options: An array with optional options. Known keys are:

  • 'hide status op': If set to TRUE, enable/disable links are not added. Defaults to FALSE.
  • 'show plugin': If set to FALSE, the plugin is not shown. Defaults to TRUE.
  • 'show events': If set to TRUE, the event column is shown. Defaults to TRUE if only reaction rules are listed.
  • 'show execution op': If set to TRUE an operation for execution a component is shown for components, as well as a link to schedule a component if the rules scheduler module is enabled.
  • 'base path': Optionally, a different base path to use instead of the currently set RulesPluginUI::$basePath. If no base path has been set yet, the current path is used by default.
1 call to RulesUIController::overviewTableRow()
RulesUIController::overviewTable in ui/
Generates the render array for an overview configuration table.


ui/, line 273


Controller class for the Rules UI.


protected function overviewTableRow($conditions, $name, $config, $options) {
    // Build content includes the label, as well as a short overview including
    // the machine name.
    $row[] = array(
        'data' => $config->buildContent(),
    // Add events if the configs are assigned to events.
    if ($options['show events']) {
        $events = array();
        if ($config instanceof RulesTriggerableInterface) {
            foreach ($config->events() as $event_name) {
                $event_handler = rules_get_event_handler($event_name, $config->getEventSettings($event_name));
                $events[] = $event_handler->summary();
        $row[] = implode(", ", $events);
    if ($options['show plugin']) {
        $plugin = $config->plugin();
        $row[] = isset($this->cache['plugin_info'][$plugin]['label']) ? $this->cache['plugin_info'][$plugin]['label'] : $plugin;
    $row[] = array(
        'data' => array(
            '#theme' => 'entity_status',
            '#status' => $config->status,
    // Add operations depending on the options and the exportable status.
    if (!$config->hasStatus(ENTITY_FIXED)) {
        $row[] = l(t('edit'), RulesPluginUI::path($name), array(
            'attributes' => array(
                'class' => array(
        if (module_exists('rules_i18n')) {
            $row[] = l(t('translate'), RulesPluginUI::path($name, 'translate'), array(
                'attributes' => array(
                    'class' => array(
    else {
        $row[] = '';
        if (module_exists('rules_i18n')) {
            $row[] = '';
    if (!$options['hide status op']) {
        // Add either an enable or disable link.
        $text = $config->active ? t('disable') : t('enable');
        $active_class = $config->active ? 'disable' : 'enable';
        $link_path = RulesPluginUI::path($name, $active_class);
        $row[] = $config->hasStatus(ENTITY_FIXED) ? '' : l($text, $link_path, array(
            'attributes' => array(
                'class' => array(
            'query' => drupal_get_destination(),
    $row[] = l(t('clone'), RulesPluginUI::path($name, 'clone'), array(
        'attributes' => array(
            'class' => array(
    // Add execute link for for components.
    if ($options['show execution op']) {
        $row[] = $config instanceof RulesTriggerableInterface ? '' : l(t('execute'), RulesPluginUI::path($name, 'execute'), array(
            'attributes' => array(
                'class' => array(
            'query' => drupal_get_destination(),
        if (module_exists('rules_scheduler')) {
            // Add schedule link for action components only.
            $row[] = $config instanceof RulesActionInterface ? l(t('schedule'), RulesPluginUI::path($name, 'schedule'), array(
                'attributes' => array(
                    'class' => array(
                'query' => drupal_get_destination(),
            )) : '';
    if (!$config->hasStatus(ENTITY_IN_CODE) && !$config->hasStatus(ENTITY_FIXED)) {
        $row[] = l(t('delete'), RulesPluginUI::path($name, 'delete'), array(
            'attributes' => array(
                'class' => array(
            'query' => drupal_get_destination(),
    elseif ($config->hasStatus(ENTITY_OVERRIDDEN) && !$config->hasStatus(ENTITY_FIXED)) {
        $row[] = l(t('revert'), RulesPluginUI::path($name, 'revert'), array(
            'attributes' => array(
                'class' => array(
            'query' => drupal_get_destination(),
    else {
        $row[] = '';
    $row[] = l(t('export'), RulesPluginUI::path($name, 'export'), array(
        'attributes' => array(
            'class' => array(
    return $row;