function ContextFormTrait::buildContextForm

Provides the form part for a context parameter.

2 calls to ContextFormTrait::buildContextForm()
ActionForm::form in src/Form/Expression/ActionForm.php
Adds elements specific to the expression to the form.
ConditionForm::form in src/Form/Expression/ConditionForm.php
Adds elements specific to the expression to the form.


src/Context/Form/ContextFormTrait.php, line 19


Provides form logic for handling contexts when configuring an expression.




public function buildContextForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $context_name, ContextDefinitionInterface $context_definition, array $configuration) {
    $form['context_definitions'][$context_name] = [
        '#type' => 'fieldset',
        '#title' => $context_definition->getLabel(),
    $form['context_definitions'][$context_name]['description'] = [
        '#markup' => $context_definition->getDescription(),
    // If the form has been submitted already take the mode from the submitted
    // value, otherwise check for restriction setting, then check existing
    // configuration, and if that does not exist default to the "input" mode.
    $mode = $form_state->get('context_' . $context_name);
    if (!$mode) {
        if ($mode = $context_definition->getAssignmentRestriction()) {
            // If there is an assignmentRestriction value, use this for mode.
        elseif (isset($configuration['context_mapping'][$context_name])) {
            $mode = ContextDefinitionInterface::ASSIGNMENT_RESTRICTION_SELECTOR;
        else {
            $mode = ContextDefinitionInterface::ASSIGNMENT_RESTRICTION_INPUT;
        $form_state->set('context_' . $context_name, $mode);
    $title = $mode == ContextDefinitionInterface::ASSIGNMENT_RESTRICTION_SELECTOR ? $this->t('Data selector') : $this->t('Value');
    if (isset($configuration['context_values'][$context_name])) {
        $default_value = $configuration['context_values'][$context_name];
    elseif (isset($configuration['context_mapping'][$context_name])) {
        $default_value = $configuration['context_mapping'][$context_name];
    else {
        $default_value = $context_definition->getDefaultValue();
    $form['context_definitions'][$context_name]['setting'] = [
        '#type' => 'textfield',
        '#title' => $title,
        '#required' => $context_definition->isRequired(),
        '#default_value' => $default_value,
    $element =& $form['context_definitions'][$context_name]['setting'];
    if ($mode == ContextDefinitionInterface::ASSIGNMENT_RESTRICTION_SELECTOR) {
        $element['#description'] = $this->t("The data selector helps you drill down into the available data. <em>To make entity fields appear in the data selector, you may have to use the condition 'Entity is of bundle'.</em> More useful tips about data selection are available in <a href=':url'>the online documentation</a>.", [
            ':url' => '',
        $url = $this->getRulesUiHandler()
            ->getUrlFromRoute('autocomplete', []);
        $element['#attributes']['class'][] = 'rules-autocomplete';
        $element['#attributes']['data-autocomplete-path'] = $url->toString();
        $element['#attached']['library'][] = 'rules/rules.autocomplete';
    elseif ($context_definition->isMultiple()) {
        $element['#type'] = 'textarea';
        // @todo Get a description for possible values that can be filled in.
        $element['#description'] = $this->t('Enter one value per line for this multi-valued context.');
        // Glue the list of values together as one item per line in the text area.
        if (is_array($default_value)) {
            $element['#default_value'] = implode("\n", $default_value);
    // If the context is not restricted to one mode or the other then provide a
    // button to switch between the two modes.
    if (empty($context_definition->getAssignmentRestriction())) {
        $value = $mode == ContextDefinitionInterface::ASSIGNMENT_RESTRICTION_SELECTOR ? $this->t('Switch to the direct input mode') : $this->t('Switch to data selection');
        $form['context_definitions'][$context_name]['switch_button'] = [
            '#type' => 'submit',
            '#name' => 'context_' . $context_name,
            '#attributes' => [
                'class' => [
            '#parameter' => $context_name,
            '#value' => $value,
            '#submit' => [
                static::class . '::switchContextMode',
            // Do not validate!
'#limit_validation_errors' => [],
    return $form;