function RulesUiTestCase::testOverrideStatus

Tests overriding and reverting configurations.

Verify that when we overwrite a default rule with an import, the status of that rule is overridden.

See also


rules_admin/tests/rules_admin.test, line 259


Tests for creating rules through the UI.


public function testOverrideStatus() {
    // Create a simple user account with permission to create a rule.
    $user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array(
        'access administration pages',
        'administer rules',
        'bypass rules access',
    // The rules_test module defines the rule 'rules_test_default_1' in code.
    // Ensure this rule has status equals ENTITY_IN_CODE.
    $rule = rules_config_load('rules_test_default_1');
    $this->assertTrue($rule->hasStatus(ENTITY_IN_CODE), 'Rule defined in hook_default_rules_configuration() has status ENTITY_IN_CODE.');
    // Verify the code-provided rule appears in the UI.
    $this->assertText('example default rule', 'Example default rule is defined in code.');
    $this->assertText('rules_test_default_1', 'Machine name shows up in UI.');
    // Now we need to overwrite the 'rules_test_default_1' rule in the
    // database by importing a rule with the same id and forcing the overwrite.
    // First check that importing fails if the 'overwrite' box is not checked.
    $edit = array(
        'import' => $this->getTestRuleExport('rules_test_default_1'),
        'overwrite' => FALSE,
    $this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, 'Import');
    $this->assertText('Import of Rules configuration example imported default rule failed, a Rules configuration with the same machine name already exists. Check the overwrite option to replace it.', 'Rule overwrite failed.');
    // Now set the 'overwrite' checkbox to force the overwrite and resubmit.
    $edit = array(
        'import' => $this->getTestRuleExport('rules_test_default_1'),
        'overwrite' => TRUE,
    $this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, 'Import');
    // Verify that the overwritten rule now has a status of ENTITY_OVERRIDDEN.
    $this->assertText('example imported default rule', 'New example default rule has been imported.');
    $this->assertText('rules_test_default_1', 'Machine name shows up in UI.');
    $this->assertText('Overridden', 'Example default rule has overridden status.');
    // Clear cache and ensure the rule is still overridden.
    // Visit reaction rules listing page to force refresh.
    $this->assertText('example imported default rule', 'Rule label unchanged after cache clear.');
    $this->assertText('Overridden', 'Rule overridden status unchanged after cache clear.');
    // A 'revert' link should now be available for the overridden rule.
    $this->assertText('revert', 'Revert link is now present.');
    // Revert the overridden rule and verify it's back to its original status.
    $this->drupalPost(NULL, array(), 'Confirm');
    $this->assertText('example default rule', 'Example default rule original label restored.');
    $this->assertText('Reverted reaction rule example imported default rule to the defaults', 'Example default rule was reverted.');
    $this->assertNoText('revert', 'Revert link is not present.');