function RulesAbstractPlugin::label

Returns the label of the element.

Overrides RulesPlugin::label

3 calls to RulesAbstractPlugin::label()
RulesAbstractPlugin::executeByArgs in includes/
Execute the configuration by passing arguments in a single array.
RulesAction::executeCallback in includes/
Execute the callback and update/save data as specified by the action.
RulesCondition::label in includes/
Returns the label of the element.
1 method overrides RulesAbstractPlugin::label()
RulesCondition::label in includes/
Returns the label of the element.


includes/, line 1586


Defines a common base class for so-called "Abstract Plugins" like actions.


public function label() {
    $info = $this->info();
    return isset($info['label']) ? $info['label'] : t('@plugin "@name"', array(
        '@name' => $this->elementName,
        '@plugin' => $this->plugin(),