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Title Object type File name Summary
BreakLockForm::$renderer property src/Form/BreakLockForm.php The rendering service.
RulesComponentListBuilder::render function src/Controller/RulesComponentListBuilder.php Builds the entity listing as renderable array for table.html.twig.
RulesDebugLog::render function src/Logger/RulesDebugLog.php Renders the whole log.
RulesDebugLog::renderHelper function src/Logger/RulesDebugLog.php Renders the log of one event invocation.
RulesReactionListBuilder::render function src/Controller/RulesReactionListBuilder.php Builds the entity listing as renderable array for table.html.twig.
TempStoreTrait::$renderer property src/Ui/TempStoreTrait.php The renderer service.
TempStoreTrait::getRenderer function src/Ui/TempStoreTrait.php Retrieves the renderer service if not already present.