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Title Object type File name Summary
Rule class includes/ An actual rule.
rule function ./rules.module Creates a new rule.

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Title Object type File name Summary
RulesActionSet::$itemName property includes/
RulesAdminMinimalProfileTestCase class rules_admin/tests/rules_admin_minimal_profile.test UI test cases for the minimal profile.
RulesAdminMinimalProfileTestCase::$profile property rules_admin/tests/rules_admin_minimal_profile.test The profile to install as a basis for testing.
RulesAdminMinimalProfileTestCase::getInfo function rules_admin/tests/rules_admin_minimal_profile.test Declares test metadata.
RulesAdminMinimalProfileTestCase::setUp function rules_admin/tests/rules_admin_minimal_profile.test Overrides DrupalWebTestCase::setUp().
RulesAdminMinimalProfileTestCase::testNodeEventUi function rules_admin/tests/rules_admin_minimal_profile.test Tests node event UI without content types.
RulesAnd class includes/ A logical AND.
RulesAnd::$itemName property includes/
RulesAnd::evaluate function includes/ Evaluate the element on a given rules evaluation state.
RulesAnd::label function includes/ Returns the label of the element.
RulesCommentEventHandler class modules/ Event handler support comment bundle event settings.
RulesCommentEventHandler::getBundlePropertyLabel function modules/ Returns the label to use for the bundle property.
RulesCondition class includes/ Implements a rules condition.
RulesCondition::$itemName property includes/
RulesCondition::$negate property includes/
RulesCondition::executeCallback function includes/ Execute the configured execution callback and log that.
RulesCondition::exportToArray function includes/
RulesCondition::import function includes/ Applies the given export.
RulesCondition::isNegated function includes/ Returns whether the element is configured to negate the result.
RulesCondition::label function includes/ Returns the label of the element.
RulesCondition::negate function includes/ Negate the result.
RulesCondition::providesVariables function includes/ Returns info about all variables provided for later evaluated elements.
RulesCondition::returnVariables function includes/ Just return the boolean result.
RulesCondition::__sleep function includes/
RulesConditionContainer class includes/ Base class for all condition containers.
RulesConditionContainer::$negate property includes/
RulesConditionContainer::condition function includes/ Adds a condition to the container.
RulesConditionContainer::exportChildren function includes/
RulesConditionContainer::importChildren function includes/
RulesConditionContainer::isNegated function includes/ Returns whether the element is configured to negate the result.
RulesConditionContainer::negate function includes/ Negate this condition.
RulesConditionContainer::returnVariables function includes/ Just return the condition container's result.
RulesConditionContainer::stateVariables function includes/ Overridden to exclude variable assertions of negated conditions.
RulesConditionContainer::__sleep function includes/
RulesConditionContainerUI class ui/ UI for Rules condition container.
RulesConditionContainerUI::form function ui/ Implements RulesPluginUIInterface::form().
RulesConditionContainerUI::form_extract_values function ui/
RulesConditionHandlerBase class includes/ Base class for implementing conditions via classes.
RulesConditionHandlerInterface interface includes/ Interface for implementing conditions via classes.
RulesConditionInterface interface includes/ Interface for objects that can be used as conditions.
RulesConditionInterface::execute function includes/
RulesConditionInterface::isNegated function includes/ Returns whether the element is configured to negate the result.
RulesConditionInterface::negate function includes/ Negate the result.
RulesContainerPlugin class includes/ Base class for ContainerPlugins like Rules, Logical Operations or Loops.
RulesContainerPlugin::$children property includes/
RulesContainerPlugin::access function includes/ Whether the currently logged in user has access to all configured elements.
RulesContainerPlugin::availableVariables function includes/ Returns info about variables available to be used as arguments for this element.
RulesContainerPlugin::componentVariables function includes/ Returns the specified variables, in case the plugin is used as component.
RulesContainerPlugin::delete function includes/ Overrides delete to keep the children alive, if possible.
RulesContainerPlugin::dependencies function includes/ Calculates an array of required modules.