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Title Object type File name Summary
Rule class includes/ An actual rule.
rule function ./rules.module Creates a new rule.

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Title Object type File name Summary
rules_action_data_set_info_alter function modules/ Info alter callback for the data_set action.
rules_action_data_set_validate function modules/ Custom validation callback for the data set action.
rules_action_delete_node function tests/ Action "Delete a node".
rules_action_delete_node_upgrade function includes/
rules_action_delete_node_upgrade_map_name function includes/
rules_action_delete_scheduled_set_upgrade function rules_scheduler/rules_scheduler.install Rules upgrade callback.
rules_action_delete_scheduled_set_upgrade_map_name function rules_scheduler/rules_scheduler.install Rules upgrade callback for mapping the action name.
rules_action_drupal_goto function modules/ Action: Page redirect.
rules_action_drupal_goto_upgrade function includes/
rules_action_drupal_goto_upgrade_map_name function includes/
rules_action_drupal_message function modules/ Action: Show a drupal message.
rules_action_drupal_message_types function modules/ Options list callback defining drupal_message types.
rules_action_drupal_watchdog function modules/ Action: Write a watchdog db log message.
rules_action_entity_create function modules/ Action: Create entities.
rules_action_entity_createfetch_access function modules/ Custom access callback for data create and fetch action.
rules_action_entity_create_info_alter function modules/ Info alteration callback for the entity create action.
rules_action_entity_delete function modules/ Action: Delete entities.
rules_action_entity_fetch function modules/ Action: Fetch data.
rules_action_entity_fetch_info_alter function modules/ Info alteration callback for the entity fetch action.
rules_action_entity_parameter_options_list function modules/ Options list callback for a parameter of entity_create.
rules_action_entity_query function modules/ Action: Query entities.
rules_action_entity_query_access function modules/ Custom access callback for the data query action.
rules_action_entity_query_info_alter function modules/ Info alteration callback for the entity query action.
rules_action_entity_query_property_options_list function modules/ Returns the options list for choosing a property of an entity type.
rules_action_entity_query_value_options_list function modules/ Returns the options list specified for the chosen property.
rules_action_entity_save function modules/ Action: Save entities.
rules_action_entity_savedelete_access function modules/ Custom access callback for data save and delete action.
rules_action_execution_callback function ./rules.api.php The execution callback for an action.
rules_action_invoke_set_upgrade function includes/
rules_action_invoke_set_upgrade_map_name function includes/
rules_action_load_comment_upgrade function includes/
rules_action_load_comment_upgrade_map_name function includes/ Comment.module integration.
rules_action_load_node function tests/ Loads a node.
rules_action_load_node_upgrade function includes/
rules_action_load_node_upgrade_map_name function includes/
rules_action_load_user_upgrade function includes/
rules_action_load_user_upgrade_map_name function includes/
rules_action_mail function modules/ Action Implementation: Send mail.
rules_action_mail_to_users_of_role function modules/ Action: Send mail to all users of a specific role group(s).
rules_action_mail_to_users_of_role_help function modules/ Help callback for the "Send mail to users of a role" action.
rules_action_mail_to_user_upgrade function includes/
rules_action_mail_to_user_upgrade_map_name function includes/
rules_action_node_load_author_upgrade function includes/
rules_action_node_load_author_upgrade_map_name function includes/
rules_action_node_path_alias function modules/ Action Implementation: Set the URL alias for a node.
rules_action_node_path_alias_upgrade function includes/
rules_action_node_set_author_upgrade function includes/
rules_action_node_set_author_upgrade_map_name function includes/
rules_action_node_set_title function tests/ An action making use of named parameters.
rules_action_path_alias function modules/ Action implementation: Path alias.