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Title Object type File name Summary
Rule class includes/ An actual rule.
rule function ./rules.module Creates a new rule.

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Title Object type File name Summary
Rule::$label property includes/
Rule::access function includes/ Whether the currently logged in user has access to all configured elements.
Rule::actions function includes/ Gets an iterator over all contained actions.
Rule::condition function includes/ Adds a condition.
Rule::conditionContainer function includes/ Returns the "And" condition container, which contains all conditions of
this rule.
Rule::conditions function includes/ Gets an iterator over all contained conditions.
Rule::delete function includes/ Overridden to ensure the whole Rule is deleted at once.
Rule::dependencies function includes/ Calculates an array of required modules.
Rule::destroy function includes/ Removes circular object references so PHP garbage collector can work.
Rule::evaluate function includes/ Evaluate, whereas by default new vars are visible in the parent's scope.
Rule::exportChildren function includes/
Rule::exportFlat function includes/ Determines whether the element should be exported in flat style.
Rule::exportToArray function includes/
Rule::fire function includes/ Fires the rule, i.e. evaluates the rule without checking its conditions.
Rule::getIterator function includes/
Rule::import function includes/ Applies the given export.
Rule::importChildren function includes/
Rule::integrityCheck function includes/ Makes sure the plugin is configured right.
Rule::providesVariables function includes/ Overridden to expose the variables of all actions for embedded rules.
Rule::resetInternalCache function includes/ Resets any internal static caches.
Rule::sortChildren function includes/ Sorts all child elements by their weight.
Rule::stateVariables function includes/ Returns available state variables for an element.
Rule::variableInfoAssertions function includes/ Overrides RulesPlugin::variableInfoAssertions().
Rule::__clone function includes/ By default we do a deep clone.
Rule::__construct function includes/
Rule::__sleep function includes/
Rules module integrations. group ./rules.api.php Module integrations with the rules module.
Rules' hooks group ./rules.api.php Hooks that can be implemented by other modules in order to extend rules.
rules.api.php file ./rules.api.php Documentation for hooks provided by the Rules API. file includes/ Rules base classes and interfaces needed for any rule evaluation. file ./ Rules module drush integration. file includes/ Contains event handler interface and base classes. file ./ Provides Features integration for the Rules module. file ./ name = Rules
description = React on events and conditionally evaluate actions.
package = Rules
core = 7.x
files[] =
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rules.install file ./rules.install Rules - Installation file.
rules.module file ./rules.module Rules engine module. file includes/ Contains plugin info and implementations not needed for rule evaluation. file includes/ Contains classes for data processing. file ./ Includes any rules integration provided by the module. file includes/ Contains the state and data related stuff.
rules.test file tests/rules.test Rules tests.
rules.ui-rtl.css file ui/rules.ui-rtl.css Right-to-Left stylesheet for the Rules module.
rules.ui.css file ui/rules.ui.css Stylesheet for the Rules module. file ui/ Right-to-Left jQuery Rules UI stylesheet fix for the Seven theme. file ui/ JQuery Rules UI stylesheet fix for the Seven theme. file includes/ Contains code for upgrading rule configurations from 6.x-1.x to 7.x-2.x.
RulesAbstractPlugin class includes/ Defines a common base class for so-called "Abstract Plugins" like actions.
RulesAbstractPlugin::$elementName property includes/
RulesAbstractPlugin::$info property includes/ Info about this element. Usage depends on the plugin.
RulesAbstractPlugin::$infoLoaded property includes/