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Title Object type File name Summary
RulesLog class includes/ The rules default logging class.
RulesLog::$line property includes/
RulesLog::$log property includes/
RulesLog::$logger property includes/
RulesLog::$logLevel property includes/
RulesLog::checkLog function includes/ Checks the log and throws an exception if there were any problems.
RulesLog::clear function includes/ Clears the logged messages.
RulesLog::ERROR constant includes/
RulesLog::get function includes/ Gets an array of logged messages.
RulesLog::hasErrors function includes/ Checks the log for error messages.
RulesLog::INFO constant includes/
RulesLog::log function includes/ Logs a log message.
RulesLog::logger function includes/
RulesLog::render function includes/ Renders the whole log.
RulesLog::renderHelper function includes/ Renders the log of one event invocation.
RulesLog::WARN constant includes/
RulesLog::__clone function includes/
RulesLog::__construct function includes/ This is a singleton.
rules_debug_log_pre_render function ./rules.module Pre-render callback for the debug log, which renders and then clears it.
rules_debug_log_region function ./rules.module Returns the current region for the debug log.
rules_log function ./rules.module Log a message to the rules logger.
rules_system_log_get_message function modules/ Getter callback for the log entry message property.
rules_user_login function modules/ Implements hook_user_login().
rules_user_logout function modules/ Implements hook_user_logout().
theme_rules_log function ui/ Themes the rules log debug output.
_rules_system_watchdog_log_entry_info function modules/ Defines property info for watchdog log entries.