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Title Object type File name Summary
RulesDataInputEvaluator::help function includes/ Provide some usage help for the evaluator.
RulesI18nStringEvaluator::help function rules_i18n/ Overrides RulesDataInputEvaluator::help().
RulesLog::renderHelper function includes/ Renders the log of one event invocation.
RulesPHPEvaluator::help function modules/ Overrides RulesDataInputEvaluator::help().
RulesPluginUI::help function ui/ Implements RulesPluginUIInterface.
RulesPluginUIInterface::help function ui/ Returns the help text for editing this plugin.
RulesTokenEvaluator::help function modules/ Create documentation about the available replacement patterns.
rules_action_mail_to_users_of_role_help function modules/ Help callback for the "Send mail to users of a role" action.
rules_condition_data_is_help function modules/ Provides configuration help for the data_is condition.
rules_condition_entity_is_new_help function modules/ Help callback for condition entity_is_new.
rules_condition_user_has_role_help function modules/ User has role condition help callback.
rules_drush_help function ./ Implements hook_drush_help().
rules_element_sort_helper function ui/ Helper to sort elements by their 'weight' key.
rules_external_help function ./rules.module Helper function to keep track of external documentation pages for Rules.
rules_help function ./rules.module Implements hook_help().
rules_php_evaluator_help function modules/ Generates help for the PHP actions, conditions and input evaluator.
rules_scheduler_action_delete_help function rules_scheduler/ Help for the cancel action.
rules_scheduler_action_schedule_help function rules_scheduler/ Help for the schedule action.
rules_scheduler_drush_help function rules_scheduler/ Implements hook_drush_help().
rules_test_custom_help function tests/ Custom help callback for the rules_node_publish_action().
theme_rules_data_selector_help function ui/ Themes help for using the data selector.
theme_rules_settings_help function ui/ General theme function for displaying settings related help.