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Title Object type File name Summary
rules_ui_element_machine_name_validate function ui/ FAPI callback to validate a machine readable name.
rules_ui_element_token_list_validate function ui/ FAPI callback to validate a list of tokens.
rules_ui_element_token_validate function ui/ FAPI callback to validate a token.
rules_ui_element_variable_form_validate function ui/ FAPI callback to validate the form for editing variable info.
rules_upgrade_convert_element function includes/ Convert a single element.
rules_upgrade_element_parameter_settings function includes/ Converts the settings for a given parameter.
rules_upgrade_element_variable_settings function includes/ Converts the settings for a given variable.
theme_rules_debug_element function ui/ Theme rules debug log elements.
theme_rules_elements function ui/ Themes a tree of rule elements in a draggable table.