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Title Object type File name Summary
theme_rules_ui_variable_form function ui/ Themes the rules form for editing the used variables.
theme_rules_variable_view function ui/ Themes info about variables. file ui/ Contains the UI controller for Rules. file ui/ Contains core Rules UI functions. file ui/ Contains data type related forms. file ui/ Rules User Interface forms. file ui/ Contains UI for diverse plugins provided by Rules. file ui/ Rules theme functions. file modules/ Contains rules integration for the user module needed during evaluation. file modules/ Rules integration for the user module.
_rules_discover_module function ./rules.module Determines the module providing the given class.
_rules_export_get_test_export function tests/ Defines the export of rule for testing import/export.
_rules_import_get_plugin function includes/ Determines the plugin to be used for importing a child element.
_rules_rebuild_cache function ./rules.module Rebuilds the rules cache.
_rules_rebuild_component_cache function ./rules.module Cache components to allow efficient usage via rules_invoke_component().
_rules_rules_collect_items function ./ Returns all items for a hook applying the right module defaults.
_rules_system_token_map_type function modules/ Looks for a token type mapping. Defaults to passing through the type.
_rules_system_watchdog_log_entry_info function modules/ Defines property info for watchdog log entries.
_rules_ui_sort_categories function ui/ Helper for sorting categories.
_rules_upgrade_fetch_all_rules function includes/ Fetches all rules.
_rules_upgrade_fetch_item function includes/ Fetches a single item (rule | rule set).