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Title Object type File name Summary
RulesPluginHandlerBase::access function includes/ Implements RulesPluginImplInterface::access().
RulesPluginHandlerBase::assertions function includes/ Returns an array of info assertions for the specified parameters.
RulesPluginHandlerBase::dependencies function includes/ Returns an array of required modules.
RulesPluginHandlerBase::form_alter function includes/ Alters the generated configuration form of the element.
RulesPluginHandlerBase::info_alter function includes/ Allows altering of the element's action/condition info.
RulesPluginHandlerBase::process function includes/ Processes settings independent from a form submission.
RulesPluginHandlerBase::validate function includes/ Validates $settings independent from a form submission.
RulesPluginHandlerBase::__construct function includes/ Overridden to provide $this->element to make the code more meaningful.
RulesPluginHandlerInterface interface includes/ Provides the base interface for implementing abstract plugins via classes.
RulesPluginHandlerInterface::access function includes/ Checks whether the user has access to configure this element.
RulesPluginHandlerInterface::assertions function includes/ Returns an array of info assertions for the specified parameters.
RulesPluginHandlerInterface::dependencies function includes/ Returns an array of required modules.
RulesPluginHandlerInterface::form_alter function includes/ Alters the generated configuration form of the element.
RulesPluginHandlerInterface::info_alter function includes/ Allows altering of the element's action/condition info.
RulesPluginHandlerInterface::process function includes/ Processes settings independent from a form submission.
RulesPluginHandlerInterface::validate function includes/ Validates $settings independent from a form submission.
RulesPluginImplInterface interface includes/ Interface used for implementing an abstract plugin via Faces.
RulesPluginImplInterface::execute function includes/ Executes the action or condition making use of the parameters as specified.
RulesPluginUI class ui/ Faces UI extender for all kind of Rules plugins.
RulesPluginUI::$basePath property ui/ The base path determines where a Rules overview UI lives.
RulesPluginUI::$element property ui/
RulesPluginUI::buildContent function ui/ Implements RulesPluginUIInterface.
RulesPluginUI::defaultRedirect function ui/ Determines the default redirect target for an edited/deleted element.
RulesPluginUI::form function ui/ Implements RulesPluginUIInterface::form().
RulesPluginUI::formDefaults function ui/
RulesPluginUI::form_extract_values function ui/ Applies the values of the form to the element.
RulesPluginUI::form_submit function ui/ Implements RulesPluginUIInterface.
RulesPluginUI::form_validate function ui/ Implements RulesPluginUIInterface.
RulesPluginUI::getDataTypeClass function ui/ Returns the name of class for the given data type.
RulesPluginUI::getFormStateValues function ui/ Returns the state values for $form, possibly only a part of the whole form.
RulesPluginUI::getOptions function ui/
RulesPluginUI::getParameterForm function ui/ Actually generates the parameter form for the given data type.
RulesPluginUI::getTags function ui/
RulesPluginUI::getVariableForm function ui/ Returns the form for configuring the info of a single variable.
RulesPluginUI::help function ui/ Implements RulesPluginUIInterface.
RulesPluginUI::operations function ui/ Implements RulesPluginUIInterface.
RulesPluginUI::overviewTable function ui/ Deprecated by the controllers overviewTable() method.
RulesPluginUI::path function ui/ Generates an operation path.
RulesPluginUI::settingsForm function ui/ Adds the configuration settings form (label, tags, description, ...).
RulesPluginUI::settingsFormExtractValues function ui/
RulesPluginUI::settingsFormPermissionMatrix function ui/ Provides a matrix permission for the component based in the existing roles.
RulesPluginUI::settingsFormSubmit function ui/
RulesPluginUI::settingsFormValidate function ui/
RulesPluginUI::__construct function ui/ Provide $this->element to make the code more meaningful.
RulesPluginUIInterface interface ui/ Plugin UI Interface.
RulesPluginUIInterface::buildContent function ui/ Returns a structured array for rendering this element in overviews.
RulesPluginUIInterface::form function ui/ Adds the whole configuration form of this rules configuration.
RulesPluginUIInterface::form_submit function ui/ Form submit handler for the element configuration form.
RulesPluginUIInterface::form_validate function ui/ Validate the configuration form of this rule element.
RulesPluginUIInterface::help function ui/ Returns the help text for editing this plugin.