function ExamplesTest::testExampleToolbar

Same name in other branches
  1. 3.x tests/src/Functional/ExamplesTest.php \Drupal\Tests\examples\Functional\ExamplesTest::testExampleToolbar()
  2. 4.0.x tests/src/Functional/ExamplesTest.php \Drupal\Tests\examples\Functional\ExamplesTest::testExampleToolbar()

Verify that the toolbar tab and tray are showing and functioning.


tests/src/Functional/ExamplesTest.php, line 32


Minimal test case for the examples module.




public function testExampleToolbar() {
    $assert = $this->assertSession();
    // Log in a user who can see the toolbar and all the routes in it.
        'access content',
        'access toolbar',
    // All this should be on the front page.
    // Assert that the toolbar tab registered by examples is present.
    // Assert that the toolbar tab registered by examples is present.
    // Assert that the toolbar tray registered by examples is present.
    /* @var $module_installer \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleInstallerInterface */
    $module_installer = $this->container
    // Loop through all the routes. Check that they are not present in the
    // toolbar, enable the module, and then check that they are present in the
    // toolbar.
    foreach (_examples_toolbar_routes() as $module => $route) {
        // Convert the module name to the HTML class.
        $class = Html::getClass($module);
        $xpath = "//li/a[@class=\"{$class}\"]";
        // Assert that the toolbar link item isn't present.
        $this->assertEmpty($this->xpath($xpath), 'Found li with this class: ' . $class);
        // Install the module.
        ], TRUE);
        // Load the route.
        // Assert that the toolbar link is present.
        $this->assertNotEmpty($this->xpath($xpath), 'Unable to find toolbar link for module: ' . $module);
        // Handle some special cases where modules depend on each other so they
        // might have already put the toolbar link in the toolbar.
        if ($module == 'file_example') {