function GenericFieldTest::formAddAllFields
Add all fields using Form API.
mixed $node_type: A content type object. If none is specified, the test fails.
1 call to GenericFieldTest::formAddAllFields()
- GenericFieldTest::formTestGenericFieldNodeAddDeleteForm in field_permission_example/
tests/ field_permission_example.test - Add and delete all field types through Form API.
tests/ field_permission_example.test, line 237
- GenericFieldTest
- A generic field testing class.
protected function formAddAllFields($node_type = NULL) {
if (!$node_type) {
$this->fail('No content type specified.');
// Get all our field types.
$field_types = $this->getFieldTypes();
// Keep a list of no_ui fields so we can tell the user.
$unsafe_field_types = array();
$field_names = array();
$manage_path = 'admin/structure/types/manage/' . $node_type->name . '/fields';
foreach ($field_types as $field_type) {
// Get the field info.
$field_info = field_info_field_types($field_type);
// Exclude no_ui field types.
if (isset($field_info['no_ui']) && $field_info['no_ui']) {
$unsafe_field_types[] = $field_type;
else {
// Generate a name for our field.
// 26 is max length for field name.
$field_name = drupal_strtolower($this->randomName(26));
$field_names[$field_type] = $field_name;
// Create the field through Form API.
$this->formCreateField($manage_path, $field_type, $field_name, $field_info['default_widget'], 1);
// Tell the user which fields we couldn't test.
if (!empty($unsafe_field_types)) {
debug('Unable to attach these no_ui fields: ' . implode(', ', $unsafe_field_types));
// Somehow clicking "save" isn't enough, and we have to
// rebuild a few caches.
return $field_names;