function EntityExampleBasicController::save

Saves the custom fields using drupal_write_record().

Overrides EntityExampleBasicControllerInterface::save


entity_example/entity_example.module, line 556


EntityExampleBasicController extends DrupalDefaultEntityController.


public function save($entity) {
    // If our entity has no basic_id, then we need to give it a
    // time of creation.
    if (empty($entity->basic_id)) {
        $entity->created = time();
    // Invoke hook_entity_presave().
    module_invoke_all('entity_presave', $entity, 'entity_example_basic');
    // The 'primary_keys' argument determines whether this will be an insert
    // or an update. So if the entity already has an ID, we'll specify
    // basic_id as the key.
    $primary_keys = $entity->basic_id ? 'basic_id' : array();
    // Write out the entity record.
    drupal_write_record('entity_example_basic', $entity, $primary_keys);
    // We're going to invoke either hook_entity_update() or
    // hook_entity_insert(), depending on whether or not this is a
    // new entity. We'll just store the name of hook_entity_insert()
    // and change it if we need to.
    $invocation = 'entity_insert';
    // Now we need to either insert or update the fields which are
    // attached to this entity. We use the same primary_keys logic
    // to determine whether to update or insert, and which hook we
    // need to invoke.
    if (empty($primary_keys)) {
        field_attach_insert('entity_example_basic', $entity);
    else {
        field_attach_update('entity_example_basic', $entity);
        $invocation = 'entity_update';
    // Invoke either hook_entity_update() or hook_entity_insert().
    module_invoke_all($invocation, $entity, 'entity_example_basic');
    return $entity;