function AjaxWizardTest::testWizardPreviousStepsValues

Same name in other branches
  1. 3.x modules/ajax_example/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/AjaxWizardTest.php \Drupal\Tests\ajax_example\FunctionalJavascript\AjaxWizardTest::testWizardPreviousStepsValues()
  2. 4.0.x modules/ajax_example/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/AjaxWizardTest.php \Drupal\Tests\ajax_example\FunctionalJavascript\AjaxWizardTest::testWizardPreviousStepsValues()

Test that the previous values are correctly displayed.

If we move back to previous steps the already set values should be displayed.


ajax_example/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/AjaxWizardTest.php, line 93


Test the user interactions for the Ajax Wizard example.




public function testWizardPreviousStepsValues() {
    // Get our Mink stuff.
    $session = $this->getSession();
    $page = $session->getPage();
    $assert = $this->assertSession();
    // Get the page.
    $form_url = Url::fromRoute('ajax_example.wizard');
    // We fill the first step and continue.
    $page->fillField('name', 'José Saramago');
    $page->pressButton('Next step');
    // We fill the second step and continue with the last step.
    $page->fillField('address', 'Rua dos Bacalhoeiros, 10');
    $page->pressButton('Next step');
    // We fill the third step and we finally submit the form.
    $page->fillField('city', 'Lisboa');
    // Now we move back to previous steps and check that the values are still
    // there.
    $page->pressButton('Previous step');
    $assert->fieldValueEquals('address', 'Rua dos Bacalhoeiros, 10');
    $page->pressButton('Previous step');
    $assert->fieldValueEquals('name', 'José Saramago');