
Same filename in this branch
  1. 7.x themes/seven/maintenance-page.tpl.php
  2. 7.x themes/garland/maintenance-page.tpl.php
  3. 7.x modules/system/maintenance-page.tpl.php

Implementation to display a single Drupal page while offline.

All the available variables are mirrored in page.tpl.php.

See also




5 theme calls to maintenance-page.tpl.php
drupal_deliver_html_page in includes/
Packages and sends the result of a page callback to the browser as HTML.
theme_install_page in includes/
Returns HTML for the installation page.
theme_update_page in includes/
Returns HTML for the update page.
_batch_progress_page in includes/
Outputs a batch processing page.
_drupal_log_error in includes/
Logs a PHP error or exception and displays an error page in fatal cases.



View source

 * @file
 * Implementation to display a single Drupal page while offline.
 * All the available variables are mirrored in page.tpl.php.
 * @see template_preprocess()
 * @see template_preprocess_maintenance_page()
 * @see bartik_process_maintenance_page()
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="<?php

print $language->language;
?>" lang="<?php

print $language->language;
?>" dir="<?php

print $language->dir;

print $head;

print $head_title;

print $styles;

print $scripts;
<body class="<?php

print $classes;
?>" <?php

print $attributes;

  <div id="skip-link">
    <a href="#main-content" class="element-invisible element-focusable"><?php

print t('Skip to main content');

  <div id="page-wrapper"><div id="page">

    <div id="header"><div class="section clearfix">

if ($site_name || $site_slogan) {
        <div id="name-and-slogan"<?php

    if ($hide_site_name && $hide_site_slogan) {
        print ' class="element-invisible"';

    if ($site_name) {
            <div id="site-name"<?php

        if ($hide_site_name) {
            print ' class="element-invisible"';
                <a href="<?php

        print $front_page;
        ?>" title="<?php

        print t('Home');
        ?>" rel="home"><span><?php

        print $site_name;


    if ($site_slogan) {
            <div id="site-slogan"<?php

        if ($hide_site_slogan) {
            print ' class="element-invisible"';

        print $site_slogan;

        </div> <!-- /#name-and-slogan -->

    </div></div> <!-- /.section, /#header -->

    <div id="main-wrapper"><div id="main" class="clearfix">
      <div id="content" class="column"><div class="section">
        <a id="main-content"></a>

if ($title) {
    ?><h1 class="title" id="page-title"><?php

    print $title;


print $content;

if ($messages) {
          <div id="messages"><div class="section clearfix">

    print $messages;
          </div></div> <!-- /.section, /#messages -->

      </div></div> <!-- /.section, /#content -->
    </div></div> <!-- /#main, /#main-wrapper -->

  </div></div> <!-- /#page, /#page-wrapper -->


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