function DatabaseSchema_pgsql::hashBase64

Calculates a base-64 encoded, PostgreSQL-safe sha-256 hash per PostgreSQL documentation: 4.1. Lexical Structure.


$data: String to be hashed.

Return value

string A base-64 encoded sha-256 hash, with + and / replaced with _ and any = padding characters removed.

1 call to DatabaseSchema_pgsql::hashBase64()
DatabaseSchema_pgsql::ensureIdentifiersLength in includes/database/pgsql/
Make sure to limit identifiers according to PostgreSQL compiled in length.


includes/database/pgsql/, line 836




protected function hashBase64($data) {
    // Ensure lowercase as D7's pgsql driver does not quote identifiers
    // consistently, and they are therefore folded to lowercase by PostgreSQL.
    $hash = strtolower(base64_encode(hash('sha256', $data, TRUE)));
    // Modify the hash so it's safe to use in PostgreSQL identifiers.
    return strtr($hash, array(
        '+' => '_',
        '/' => '_',
        '=' => '',

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