31 calls to drupal_render_children()

template_preprocess_block_admin_display_form in modules/block/block.admin.inc
Processes variables for block-admin-display-form.tpl.php.
template_preprocess_poll_vote in modules/poll/poll.module
Themes the voting form for a poll.
theme_aggregator_categorize_items in modules/aggregator/aggregator.pages.inc
Returns HTML for the aggregator page list form for assigning categories.
theme_color_scheme_form in modules/color/color.module
Returns HTML for a theme's color form.
theme_confirm_form in modules/system/system.module
Returns HTML for a confirmation form.
theme_date in includes/form.inc
Returns HTML for a date selection form element.
theme_exposed_filters in modules/system/system.module
Returns HTML for an exposed filter form.
theme_file_managed_file in modules/file/file.module
Returns HTML for a managed file element.
theme_file_widget in modules/file/file.field.inc
Returns HTML for an individual file upload widget.
theme_file_widget_multiple in modules/file/file.field.inc
Returns HTML for a group of file upload widgets.
theme_filter_admin_format_filter_order in modules/filter/filter.admin.inc
Returns HTML for a text format's filter order form.
theme_filter_admin_overview in modules/filter/filter.admin.inc
Returns HTML for the text format administration overview form.
theme_forum_form in modules/forum/forum.admin.inc
Returns HTML for a forum form.
theme_image_widget in modules/image/image.field.inc
Returns HTML for an image field widget.
theme_locale_date_format_form in modules/locale/locale.admin.inc
Returns HTML for a locale date format form.
theme_locale_languages_configure_form in modules/locale/locale.admin.inc
Returns HTML for a language configuration form.
theme_locale_languages_overview_form in modules/locale/locale.admin.inc
Returns HTML for the language overview form.
theme_menu_overview_form in modules/menu/menu.admin.inc
Returns HTML for the menu overview form into a table.
theme_node_search_admin in modules/node/node.module
Returns HTML for the content ranking part of the search settings admin page.
theme_poll_choices in modules/poll/poll.module
Returns HTML for an admin poll form for choices.
theme_profile_admin_overview in modules/profile/profile.admin.inc
Returns HTML for the profile field overview form into a drag and drop enabled table.
theme_shortcut_set_customize in modules/shortcut/shortcut.admin.inc
Returns HTML for a shortcut set customization form.
theme_system_date_time_settings in modules/system/system.admin.inc
Returns HTML for the date settings form.
theme_system_modules_uninstall in modules/system/system.admin.inc
Returns HTML for a table of currently disabled modules.
theme_system_settings_form in modules/system/system.module
Returns HTML for a system settings form.
theme_taxonomy_overview_terms in modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.admin.inc
Returns HTML for a terms overview form as a sortable list of terms.
theme_taxonomy_overview_vocabularies in modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.admin.inc
Returns HTML for the vocabulary overview form as a sortable list of vocabularies.
theme_trigger_display in modules/trigger/trigger.admin.inc
Returns HTML for the form showing actions assigned to a trigger.
theme_update_manager_update_form in modules/update/update.manager.inc
Returns HTML for the first page in the process of updating projects.
theme_user_admin_permissions in modules/user/user.admin.inc
Returns HTML for the administer permissions page.
theme_user_admin_roles in modules/user/user.admin.inc
Returns HTML for the role order and new role form.

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