function StandardPerformanceTest::testLogin

Same name in other branches
  1. 11.x core/profiles/standard/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/StandardPerformanceTest.php \Drupal\Tests\standard\FunctionalJavascript\StandardPerformanceTest::testLogin()

Tests the performance of logging in.

1 call to StandardPerformanceTest::testLogin()
StandardPerformanceTest::testStandardPerformance in core/profiles/standard/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/StandardPerformanceTest.php
Tests performance of the standard profile.


core/profiles/standard/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/StandardPerformanceTest.php, line 201


Tests the performance of basic functionality in the standard profile.




protected function testLogin() : void {
    // Create a user and log them in to warm all caches. Manually submit the
    // form so that we repeat the same steps when recording performance data. Do
    // this twice so that any caches which take two requests to warm are also
    // covered.
    foreach (range(0, 1) as $index) {
    $performance_data = $this->collectPerformanceData(function () {
    }, 'standardLogin');
    $expected_queries = [
        'SELECT "name", "value" FROM "key_value_expire" WHERE "expire" > "NOW" AND "name" IN ( "KEY" ) AND "collection" = "form"',
        'SELECT COUNT(*) AS "expression" FROM (SELECT 1 AS "expression" FROM "flood" "f" WHERE ("event" = "user.failed_login_ip") AND ("identifier" = "CLIENT_IP") AND ("timestamp" > "TIMESTAMP")) "subquery"',
        'SELECT "base_table"."uid" AS "uid", "base_table"."uid" AS "base_table_uid" FROM "users" "base_table" INNER JOIN "users_field_data" "users_field_data" ON "users_field_data"."uid" = "base_table"."uid" WHERE ("users_field_data"."name" IN ("ACCOUNT_NAME")) AND ("users_field_data"."default_langcode" IN (1))',
        'SELECT COUNT(*) AS "expression" FROM (SELECT 1 AS "expression" FROM "flood" "f" WHERE ("event" = "user.failed_login_user") AND ("identifier" = "CLIENT_IP") AND ("timestamp" > "TIMESTAMP")) "subquery"',
        'INSERT INTO "watchdog" ("uid", "type", "message", "variables", "severity", "link", "location", "referer", "hostname", "timestamp") VALUES ("2", "user", "Session opened for %name.", "WATCHDOG_DATA", 6, "", "LOCATION", "REFERER", "CLIENT_IP", "TIMESTAMP")',
        'UPDATE "users_field_data" SET "login"="TIMESTAMP" WHERE "uid" = "2"',
        'SELECT "session" FROM "sessions" WHERE "sid" = "SESSION_ID" LIMIT 0, 1',
        'SELECT 1 AS "expression" FROM "sessions" "sessions" WHERE "sid" = "SESSION_ID"',
        'INSERT INTO "sessions" ("sid", "uid", "hostname", "session", "timestamp") VALUES ("SESSION_ID", "2", "CLIENT_IP", "SESSION_DATA", "TIMESTAMP")',
        'SELECT "session" FROM "sessions" WHERE "sid" = "SESSION_ID" LIMIT 0, 1',
        'SELECT * FROM "users_field_data" "u" WHERE "u"."uid" = "2" AND "u"."default_langcode" = 1',
        'SELECT "roles_target_id" FROM "user__roles" WHERE "entity_id" = "2"',
        'SELECT "base"."uid" AS "uid", "base"."uuid" AS "uuid", "base"."langcode" AS "langcode" FROM "users" "base" WHERE "base"."uid" IN (2)',
        'SELECT "data".* FROM "users_field_data" "data" WHERE "data"."uid" IN (2) ORDER BY "data"."uid" ASC',
        'SELECT "t".* FROM "user__roles" "t" WHERE ("entity_id" IN (2)) AND ("deleted" = 0) AND ("langcode" IN ("en", "und", "zxx")) ORDER BY "delta" ASC',
        'SELECT "t".* FROM "user__user_picture" "t" WHERE ("entity_id" IN (2)) AND ("deleted" = 0) AND ("langcode" IN ("en", "und", "zxx")) ORDER BY "delta" ASC',
    $recorded_queries = $performance_data->getQueries();
    $this->assertSame($expected_queries, $recorded_queries);
    $this->assertSame(16, $performance_data->getQueryCount());
    $this->assertSame(60, $performance_data->getCacheGetCount());
    $this->assertSame(1, $performance_data->getCacheSetCount());
    $this->assertSame(1, $performance_data->getCacheDeleteCount());
    $this->assertSame(1, $performance_data->getCacheTagChecksumCount());
    $this->assertSame(23, $performance_data->getCacheTagIsValidCount());
    $this->assertSame(0, $performance_data->getCacheTagInvalidationCount());

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