function MenuLinkTreeTest::testBuildCacheability

Same name in other branches
  1. 9 core/modules/system/tests/src/Unit/Menu/MenuLinkTreeTest.php \Drupal\Tests\system\Unit\Menu\MenuLinkTreeTest::testBuildCacheability()
  2. 8.9.x core/modules/system/tests/src/Unit/Menu/MenuLinkTreeTest.php \Drupal\Tests\system\Unit\Menu\MenuLinkTreeTest::testBuildCacheability()
  3. 10 core/modules/system/tests/src/Unit/Menu/MenuLinkTreeTest.php \Drupal\Tests\system\Unit\Menu\MenuLinkTreeTest::testBuildCacheability()

Tests build cacheability.

MenuLinkTree::build() gathers both: 1. the tree's access cacheability: the cacheability of the access result of checking a link in a menu tree's access. Callers can opt out of this by MenuLinkTreeElement::access to NULL (the default) value, in which case the menu link is always visible. Only when an AccessResultInterface object is specified, we gather this cacheability metadata. This means there are three cases: a. no access result (NULL): menu link is visible b. AccessResultInterface object that is allowed: menu link is visible c. AccessResultInterface object that is not allowed: menu link is invisible, but cacheability metadata is still applicable 2. the tree's menu links' cacheability: the cacheability of a menu link itself, because it may be dynamic. For this reason, MenuLinkInterface extends CacheableDependencyInterface. It allows any menu link plugin to mark itself as uncacheable (max-age=0) or dynamic (by specifying cache tags and/or contexts), to indicate the extent of dynamism. This means there are two cases: a. permanently cacheable, no cache tags, no cache contexts b. anything else: non-permanently cacheable, and/or cache tags, and/or cache contexts.

Finally, there are four important shapes of trees, all of which we want to test: 1. the empty tree 2. a single-element tree 3. a single-level tree (>1 element; just 1 element is case 2) 4. a multi-level tree

The associated data provider aims to test the handling of both of these types of cacheability, and for all four tree shapes, for each of the types of values for the two types of cacheability.

There is another level of cacheability involved when actually rendering built menu trees (i.e. when invoking RendererInterface::render() on the return value of MenuLinkTreeInterface::build()): the cacheability of the generated URLs. Fortunately, that doesn't need additional test coverage here because that cacheability is handled at the level of the Renderer (i.e. menu.html.twig template's link() function invocation). It also has its own test coverage.

@covers ::build @dataProvider providerTestBuildCacheability

See also



core/modules/system/tests/src/Unit/Menu/MenuLinkTreeTest.php, line 103


@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\Core\Menu\MenuLinkTree @group Menu




public function testBuildCacheability($description, $tree, $expected_build, $access, array $access_cache_contexts = []) : void {
    if ($access !== NULL) {
    $build = $this->menuLinkTree
    $this->assertEquals($expected_build, $build, $description);

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