function HTMLRestrictionsTest::providerConvenienceConstructors

Same name in other branches
  1. 10 core/modules/ckeditor5/tests/src/Unit/HTMLRestrictionsTest.php \Drupal\Tests\ckeditor5\Unit\HTMLRestrictionsTest::providerConvenienceConstructors()
  2. 11.x core/modules/ckeditor5/tests/src/Unit/HTMLRestrictionsTest.php \Drupal\Tests\ckeditor5\Unit\HTMLRestrictionsTest::providerConvenienceConstructors()


core/modules/ckeditor5/tests/src/Unit/HTMLRestrictionsTest.php, line 259


@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\ckeditor5\HTMLRestrictions @group ckeditor5




public function providerConvenienceConstructors() : \Generator {
    // All empty cases.
    (yield 'empty string' => [
    (yield 'empty array' => [
        implode(' ', []),
    (yield 'whitespace string' => [
        '             ',
    // Some nonsense cases.
    (yield 'nonsense string' => [
        'Hello there, this looks nothing like a HTML restriction.',
    (yield 'nonsense array #1' => [
        implode(' ', [
    (yield 'nonsense array #2' => [
        implode(' ', [
            'foo' => TRUE,
            'bar' => FALSE,
    // Single tag cases.
    (yield 'tag without attributes' => [
            'a' => FALSE,
    (yield 'tag with wildcard attribute' => [
        '<a *>',
            'a' => TRUE,
    (yield 'tag with single attribute allowing any value' => [
        '<a target>',
            'a' => [
                'target' => TRUE,
    (yield 'tag with single attribute allowing any value unnecessarily explicitly' => [
        '<a target="*">',
            'a' => [
                'target' => TRUE,
    (yield 'tag with single attribute allowing single specific value' => [
        '<a target="_blank">',
            'a' => [
                'target' => [
                    '_blank' => TRUE,
    (yield 'tag with single attribute allowing multiple specific values' => [
        '<a target="_self _blank">',
            'a' => [
                'target' => [
                    '_self' => TRUE,
                    '_blank' => TRUE,
    (yield 'tag with single attribute allowing multiple specific values (reverse order)' => [
        '<a target="_blank _self">',
            'a' => [
                'target' => [
                    '_blank' => TRUE,
                    '_self' => TRUE,
    (yield 'tag with two attributes' => [
        '<a target class>',
            'a' => [
                'target' => TRUE,
                'class' => TRUE,
    (yield 'tag with allowed attribute value that happen to be numbers' => [
        '<ol type="1 A I">',
            'ol' => [
                'type' => [
                    1 => TRUE,
                    'A' => TRUE,
                    'I' => TRUE,
    (yield 'tag with allowed attribute value that happen to be numbers (reversed)' => [
        '<ol type="I A 1">',
            'ol' => [
                'type' => [
                    'I' => TRUE,
                    'A' => TRUE,
                    1 => TRUE,
    (yield 'tag with two attributes, spread across declarations' => [
        '<a target> <a class>',
            'a' => [
                'target' => TRUE,
                'class' => TRUE,
    (yield 'tag with conflicting attribute config, allow one attribute and forbid all attributes' => [
        '<a target> <a>',
            'a' => [
                'target' => TRUE,
    (yield 'tag with conflicting attribute config, allow one attribute and allow all attributes' => [
        '<a *> <a target>',
            'a' => TRUE,
    (yield 'tag attribute configuration spread across declarations' => [
        '<a target="_blank"> <a target="_self"> <a target="_*">',
            'a' => [
                'target' => [
                    '_blank' => TRUE,
                    '_self' => TRUE,
                    '_*' => TRUE,
    (yield 'tag attribute configuration spread across declarations, allow all attributes values' => [
        '<a target> <a target="_blank"> <a target="_self"> <a target="_*">',
            'a' => [
                'target' => TRUE,
    // Multiple tag cases.
    (yield 'two tags' => [
        '<a> <p>',
            'a' => FALSE,
            'p' => FALSE,
    (yield 'two tags (reverse order)' => [
        '<p> <a>',
            'p' => FALSE,
            'a' => FALSE,
    // Wildcard tag, attribute and attribute value.
    (yield '$text-container' => [
        '<$text-container class="text-align-left text-align-center text-align-right text-align-justify">',
            '$text-container' => [
                'class' => [
                    'text-align-left' => TRUE,
                    'text-align-center' => TRUE,
                    'text-align-right' => TRUE,
                    'text-align-justify' => TRUE,
    (yield '$text-container, with attribute values spread across declarations' => [
        '<$text-container class="text-align-left"> <$text-container class="text-align-center"> <$text-container class="text-align-right"> <$text-container class="text-align-justify">',
            '$text-container' => [
                'class' => [
                    'text-align-left' => TRUE,
                    'text-align-center' => TRUE,
                    'text-align-right' => TRUE,
                    'text-align-justify' => TRUE,
    (yield '$text-container + one concrete tag to resolve into' => [
        '<p> <$text-container class="text-align-left text-align-center text-align-right text-align-justify">',
            'p' => [
                'class' => [
                    'text-align-left' => TRUE,
                    'text-align-center' => TRUE,
                    'text-align-right' => TRUE,
                    'text-align-justify' => TRUE,
            'p' => FALSE,
            '$text-container' => [
                'class' => [
                    'text-align-left' => TRUE,
                    'text-align-center' => TRUE,
                    'text-align-right' => TRUE,
                    'text-align-justify' => TRUE,
    (yield '$text-container + two concrete tag to resolve into' => [
        '<p> <$text-container class="text-align-left text-align-center text-align-right text-align-justify"> <div>',
            'p' => [
                'class' => [
                    'text-align-left' => TRUE,
                    'text-align-center' => TRUE,
                    'text-align-right' => TRUE,
                    'text-align-justify' => TRUE,
            'div' => [
                'class' => [
                    'text-align-left' => TRUE,
                    'text-align-center' => TRUE,
                    'text-align-right' => TRUE,
                    'text-align-justify' => TRUE,
            'p' => FALSE,
            'div' => FALSE,
            '$text-container' => [
                'class' => [
                    'text-align-left' => TRUE,
                    'text-align-center' => TRUE,
                    'text-align-right' => TRUE,
                    'text-align-justify' => TRUE,
    (yield '$text-container + one concrete tag to resolve into that already allows a subset of attributes: concrete less permissive than wildcard' => [
        '<p class="text-align-left"> <$text-container class="text-align-left text-align-center text-align-right text-align-justify">',
            'p' => [
                'class' => [
                    'text-align-left' => TRUE,
                    'text-align-center' => TRUE,
                    'text-align-right' => TRUE,
                    'text-align-justify' => TRUE,
            'p' => [
                'class' => [
                    'text-align-left' => TRUE,
            '$text-container' => [
                'class' => [
                    'text-align-left' => TRUE,
                    'text-align-center' => TRUE,
                    'text-align-right' => TRUE,
                    'text-align-justify' => TRUE,
    (yield '$text-container + one concrete tag to resolve into that already allows all attribute values: concrete more permissive than wildcard' => [
        '<p class> <$text-container class="text-align-left text-align-center text-align-right text-align-justify">',
            'p' => [
                'class' => TRUE,
            'p' => [
                'class' => TRUE,
            '$text-container' => [
                'class' => [
                    'text-align-left' => TRUE,
                    'text-align-center' => TRUE,
                    'text-align-right' => TRUE,
                    'text-align-justify' => TRUE,
    (yield '$text-container + one concrete tag to resolve into that already allows all attributes: concrete more permissive than wildcard' => [
        '<p *> <$text-container class="text-align-left text-align-center text-align-right text-align-justify">',
            'p' => TRUE,
            'p' => TRUE,
            '$text-container' => [
                'class' => [
                    'text-align-left' => TRUE,
                    'text-align-center' => TRUE,
                    'text-align-right' => TRUE,
                    'text-align-justify' => TRUE,
    (yield '<drupal-media data-*>' => [
        '<drupal-media data-*>',
            'drupal-media' => [
                'data-*' => TRUE,
    (yield '<drupal-media foo-*-bar>' => [
        '<drupal-media foo-*-bar>',
            'drupal-media' => [
                'foo-*-bar' => TRUE,
    (yield '<drupal-media *-foo>' => [
        '<drupal-media *-foo>',
            'drupal-media' => [
                '*-foo' => TRUE,
    (yield '<h2 id="jump-*">' => [
        '<h2 id="jump-*">',
            'h2' => [
                'id' => [
                    'jump-*' => TRUE,
    // Attribute restrictions that match the global attribute restrictions
    // should be omitted from concrete tags.
    (yield '<p> <* foo>' => [
        '<p> <* foo>',
            'p' => FALSE,
            '*' => [
                'foo' => TRUE,
    (yield '<p foo> <* foo> results in <p> getting simplified' => [
        '<p foo> <* foo>',
            'p' => FALSE,
            '*' => [
                'foo' => TRUE,
    (yield '<* foo> <p foo> results in <p> getting simplified' => [
        '<* foo> <p foo>',
            'p' => FALSE,
            '*' => [
                'foo' => TRUE,
    (yield '<p foo bar> <* foo> results in <p> getting simplified' => [
        '<p foo bar> <* foo>',
            'p' => [
                'bar' => TRUE,
            '*' => [
                'foo' => TRUE,
    (yield '<* foo> <p foo bar> results in <p> getting simplified' => [
        '<* foo> <p foo bar>',
            'p' => [
                'bar' => TRUE,
            '*' => [
                'foo' => TRUE,
    (yield '<p foo="a b"> + <* foo="b a"> results in <p> getting simplified' => [
        '<p foo="a b"> <* foo="b a">',
            'p' => FALSE,
            '*' => [
                'foo' => [
                    'b' => TRUE,
                    'a' => TRUE,
    (yield '<* foo="b a"> <p foo="a b"> results in <p> getting simplified' => [
        '<* foo="b a"> <p foo="a b">',
            'p' => FALSE,
            '*' => [
                'foo' => [
                    'b' => TRUE,
                    'a' => TRUE,
    (yield '<p foo="a b" bar> + <* foo="b a"> results in <p> getting simplified' => [
        '<p foo="a b" bar> <* foo="b a">',
            'p' => [
                'bar' => TRUE,
            '*' => [
                'foo' => [
                    'b' => TRUE,
                    'a' => TRUE,
    (yield '<* foo="b a"> <p foo="a b" bar> results in <p> getting simplified' => [
        '<* foo="b a"> <p foo="a b" bar>',
            'p' => [
                'bar' => TRUE,
            '*' => [
                'foo' => [
                    'b' => TRUE,
                    'a' => TRUE,
    (yield '<p foo="a b c"> + <* foo="b a"> results in <p> getting simplified' => [
        '<p foo="a b c"> <* foo="b a">',
            'p' => [
                'foo' => [
                    'c' => TRUE,
            '*' => [
                'foo' => [
                    'b' => TRUE,
                    'a' => TRUE,
    (yield '<* foo="b a"> <p foo="a b c"> results in <p> getting simplified' => [
        '<* foo="b a"> <p foo="a b c">',
            'p' => [
                'foo' => [
                    'c' => TRUE,
            '*' => [
                'foo' => [
                    'b' => TRUE,
                    'a' => TRUE,
    // Attribute restrictions that match the global attribute restrictions
    // should be omitted from wildcard tags.
    (yield '<p> <$text-container foo> <* foo> results in <$text-container> getting simplified' => [
        '<p> <$text-container foo> <* foo>',
            'p' => FALSE,
            '*' => [
                'foo' => TRUE,
            'p' => FALSE,
            '$text-container' => FALSE,
            '*' => [
                'foo' => TRUE,
    (yield '<* foo> <text-container foo> <p> results in <$text-container> getting stripped' => [
        '<* foo> <p> <$text-container foo>',
            'p' => FALSE,
            '*' => [
                'foo' => TRUE,
            'p' => FALSE,
            '*' => [
                'foo' => TRUE,
            '$text-container' => FALSE,
    (yield '<p> <$text-container foo bar> <* foo> results in <$text-container> getting simplified' => [
        '<p> <$text-container foo bar> <* foo>',
            'p' => [
                'bar' => TRUE,
            '*' => [
                'foo' => TRUE,
            'p' => FALSE,
            '$text-container' => [
                'bar' => TRUE,
            '*' => [
                'foo' => TRUE,
    (yield '<* foo> <$text-container foo bar> <p> results in <$text-container> getting simplified' => [
        '<* foo> <$text-container foo bar> <p>',
            'p' => [
                'bar' => TRUE,
            '*' => [
                'foo' => TRUE,
            'p' => FALSE,
            '*' => [
                'foo' => TRUE,
            '$text-container' => [
                'bar' => TRUE,
    (yield '<p> <$text-container foo="a b"> + <* foo="b a"> results in <$text-container> getting simplified' => [
        '<p> <$text-container foo="a b"> <* foo="b a">',
            'p' => FALSE,
            '*' => [
                'foo' => [
                    'b' => TRUE,
                    'a' => TRUE,
            'p' => FALSE,
            '$text-container' => FALSE,
            '*' => [
                'foo' => [
                    'b' => TRUE,
                    'a' => TRUE,
    (yield '<* foo="b a"> <p> <$text-container foo="a b"> results in <$text-container> getting simplified' => [
        '<* foo="b a"> <p> <$text-container foo="a b">',
            'p' => FALSE,
            '*' => [
                'foo' => [
                    'b' => TRUE,
                    'a' => TRUE,
            'p' => FALSE,
            '*' => [
                'foo' => [
                    'b' => TRUE,
                    'a' => TRUE,
            '$text-container' => FALSE,
    (yield '<p> <$text-container foo="a b" bar> + <* foo="b a"> results in <$text-container> getting simplified' => [
        '<p> <$text-container foo="a b" bar> <* foo="b a">',
            'p' => [
                'bar' => TRUE,
            '*' => [
                'foo' => [
                    'b' => TRUE,
                    'a' => TRUE,
            'p' => FALSE,
            '$text-container' => [
                'bar' => TRUE,
            '*' => [
                'foo' => [
                    'b' => TRUE,
                    'a' => TRUE,
    (yield '<* foo="b a"> <p> <$text-container foo="a b" bar> results in <$text-container> getting simplified' => [
        '<* foo="b a"> <p> <$text-container foo="a b" bar>',
            'p' => [
                'bar' => TRUE,
            '*' => [
                'foo' => [
                    'b' => TRUE,
                    'a' => TRUE,
            'p' => FALSE,
            '*' => [
                'foo' => [
                    'b' => TRUE,
                    'a' => TRUE,
            '$text-container' => [
                'bar' => TRUE,
    (yield '<p> <$text-container foo="a b c"> + <* foo="b a"> results in <$text-container> getting simplified' => [
        '<p> <$text-container foo="a b c"> <* foo="b a">',
            'p' => [
                'foo' => [
                    'c' => TRUE,
            '*' => [
                'foo' => [
                    'b' => TRUE,
                    'a' => TRUE,
            'p' => FALSE,
            '$text-container' => [
                'foo' => [
                    'c' => TRUE,
            '*' => [
                'foo' => [
                    'b' => TRUE,
                    'a' => TRUE,
    (yield '<* foo="b a"> <p> <$text-container foo="a b c"> results in <$text-container> getting simplified' => [
        '<* foo="b a"> <p> <$text-container foo="a b c">',
            'p' => [
                'foo' => [
                    'c' => TRUE,
            '*' => [
                'foo' => [
                    'b' => TRUE,
                    'a' => TRUE,
            'p' => FALSE,
            '*' => [
                'foo' => [
                    'b' => TRUE,
                    'a' => TRUE,
            '$text-container' => [
                'foo' => [
                    'c' => TRUE,

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