function GenerateTheme::execute

Same name in other branches
  1. 10 core/lib/Drupal/Core/Command/GenerateTheme.php \Drupal\Core\Command\GenerateTheme::execute()
  2. 11.x core/lib/Drupal/Core/Command/GenerateTheme.php \Drupal\Core\Command\GenerateTheme::execute()


core/lib/Drupal/Core/Command/GenerateTheme.php, line 62


Generates a new theme based on latest default markup.




protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) {
    $io = new SymfonyStyle($input, $output);
    // Change the directory to the Drupal root.
    // Path where the generated theme should be placed.
    $destination_theme = $input->getArgument('machine-name');
    $default_destination = 'themes';
    $destination = trim($input->getOption('path') ?: $default_destination, '/') . '/' . $destination_theme;
    if (is_dir($destination)) {
            ->error("Theme could not be generated because the destination directory {$destination} exists already.");
        return 1;
    // Source directory for the theme.
    $source_theme_name = $input->getOption('starterkit');
    if (!($source_theme = $this->getThemeInfo($source_theme_name))) {
            ->error("Theme source theme {$source_theme_name} cannot be found.");
        return 1;
    if (!$this->isStarterkitTheme($source_theme)) {
            ->error("Theme source theme {$source_theme_name} is not a valid starter kit.");
        return 1;
    $source = $source_theme->getPath();
    if (!is_dir($source)) {
            ->error("Theme could not be generated because the source directory {$source} does not exist.");
        return 1;
    $tmp_dir = $this->getUniqueTmpDirPath();
    $this->copyRecursive($source, $tmp_dir);
    // Readme is specific to Starterkit, so remove it from the generated theme.
    $readme_file = "{$tmp_dir}/";
    if (!file_put_contents($readme_file, "{$destination_theme} theme, generated from {$source_theme_name}. Additional information on generating themes can be found in the [Starterkit documentation](")) {
            ->error("The readme could not be rewritten.");
        return 1;
    // Rename files based on the theme machine name.
    $file_pattern = "/{$source_theme_name}\\.(theme|[^.]+\\.yml)/";
    if ($files = @scandir($tmp_dir)) {
        foreach ($files as $file) {
            $location = $tmp_dir . '/' . $file;
            if (is_dir($location)) {
            if (preg_match($file_pattern, $file, $matches)) {
                if (!rename($location, $tmp_dir . '/' . $destination_theme . '.' . $matches[1])) {
                        ->error("The file {$location} could not be moved.");
                    return 1;
    else {
            ->error("Temporary directory {$tmp_dir} cannot be opened.");
        return 1;
    // Info file.
    $info_file = "{$tmp_dir}/{$destination_theme}.info.yml";
    if (!file_exists($info_file)) {
            ->error("The theme info file {$info_file} could not be read.");
        return 1;
    $info = Yaml::decode(file_get_contents($info_file));
    $info['name'] = $input->getOption('name') ?: $destination_theme;
    $info['core_version_requirement'] = '^' . $this->getVersion();
    if (!array_key_exists('version', $info)) {
        $confirm_versionless_source_theme = new ConfirmationQuestion(sprintf('The source theme %s does not have a version specified. This makes tracking changes in the source theme difficult. Are you sure you want to continue?', $source_theme->getName()));
        if (!$io->askQuestion($confirm_versionless_source_theme)) {
            return 0;
    $source_version = $info['version'] ?? 'unknown-version';
    if ($source_version === 'VERSION') {
        $source_version = \Drupal::VERSION;
    // A version in the generator string like "9.4.0-dev" is not very helpful.
    // When this occurs, generate a version string that points to a commit.
    if (VersionParser::parseStability($source_version) === 'dev') {
        $git_check = Process::fromShellCommandline('git --help');
        if ($git_check->getExitCode()) {
            $io->error(sprintf('The source theme %s has a development version number (%s). Determining a specific commit is not possible because git is not installed. Either install git or use a tagged release to generate a theme.', $source_theme->getName(), $source_version));
            return 1;
        // Get the git commit for the source theme.
        $git_get_commit = Process::fromShellCommandline("git rev-list --max-count=1 --abbrev-commit HEAD -C {$source}");
        if ($git_get_commit->getOutput() === '') {
            $confirm_packaged_dev_release = new ConfirmationQuestion(sprintf('The source theme %s has a development version number (%s). Because it is not a git checkout, a specific commit could not be identified. This makes tracking changes in the source theme difficult. Are you sure you want to continue?', $source_theme->getName(), $source_version));
            if (!$io->askQuestion($confirm_packaged_dev_release)) {
                return 0;
            $source_version .= '#unknown-commit';
        else {
            $source_version .= '#' . trim($git_get_commit->getOutput());
    $info['generator'] = "{$source_theme_name}:{$source_version}";
    if ($description = $input->getOption('description')) {
        $info['description'] = $description;
    else {
    // Replace references to libraries.
    if (isset($info['libraries'])) {
        $info['libraries'] = preg_replace("/{$source_theme_name}(\\/.*)/", "{$destination_theme}\$1", $info['libraries']);
    if (isset($info['libraries-extend'])) {
        foreach ($info['libraries-extend'] as $key => $value) {
            $info['libraries-extend'][$key] = preg_replace("/{$source_theme_name}(\\/.*)/", "{$destination_theme}\$1", $info['libraries-extend'][$key]);
    if (isset($info['libraries-override'])) {
        foreach ($info['libraries-override'] as $key => $value) {
            if (isset($info['libraries-override'][$key]['dependencies'])) {
                $info['libraries-override'][$key]['dependencies'] = preg_replace("/{$source_theme_name}(\\/.*)/", "{$destination_theme}\$1", $info['libraries-override'][$key]['dependencies']);
    if (!file_put_contents($info_file, Yaml::encode($info))) {
            ->error("The theme info file {$info_file} could not be written.");
        return 1;
    // Replace references to libraries in libraries.yml file.
    $libraries_file = "{$tmp_dir}/{$destination_theme}.libraries.yml";
    if (file_exists($libraries_file)) {
        $libraries = Yaml::decode(file_get_contents($libraries_file));
        foreach ($libraries as $key => $value) {
            if (isset($libraries[$key]['dependencies'])) {
                $libraries[$key]['dependencies'] = preg_replace("/{$source_theme_name}(\\/.*)/", "{$destination_theme}\$1", $libraries[$key]['dependencies']);
        if (!file_put_contents($libraries_file, Yaml::encode($libraries))) {
                ->error("The libraries file {$libraries_file} could not be written.");
            return 1;
    // Rename hooks.
    $theme_file = "{$tmp_dir}/{$destination_theme}.theme";
    if (file_exists($theme_file)) {
        if (!file_put_contents($theme_file, preg_replace("/(function )({$source_theme_name})(_.*)/", "\$1{$destination_theme}\$3", file_get_contents($theme_file)))) {
                ->error("The theme file {$theme_file} could not be written.");
            return 1;
    // Rename references to libraries in templates.
    $iterator = new TemplateDirIterator(new \RegexIterator(new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($tmp_dir), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY), '/' . preg_quote('.html.twig') . '$/'));
    foreach ($iterator as $template_file => $contents) {
        $new_template_content = preg_replace("/(attach_library\\(['\")]){$source_theme_name}(\\/.*['\"]\\))/", "\$1{$destination_theme}\$2", $contents);
        if (!file_put_contents($template_file, $new_template_content)) {
                ->error("The template file {$template_file} could not be written.");
            return 1;
    $loader = new ClassLoader();
    $loader->addPsr4("Drupal\\{$source_theme_name}\\", "{$source}/src");
    $generator_classname = "Drupal\\{$source_theme_name}\\StarterKit";
    if (class_exists($generator_classname)) {
        if (is_a($generator_classname, StarterKitInterface::class, TRUE)) {
            $generator_classname::postProcess($tmp_dir, $destination_theme, $info['name']);
        else {
                ->error("The {$generator_classname} does not implement \\Drupal\\Core\\Theme\\StarterKitInterface and cannot perform post-processing.");
            return 1;
    if (!@rename($tmp_dir, $destination)) {
        // If rename fails, copy the files to the destination directory. This is
        // expected to happen when the tmp directory is on a different file
        // system.
        $this->copyRecursive($tmp_dir, $destination);
        // Renaming would not have left anything behind. Ensure that is still the
        // case.
    $output->writeln(sprintf('Theme generated successfully to %s', $destination));
    return 0;

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