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Title Object type File name Summary
BlockHiddenRegionTestCase class modules/block/block.test Tests that hidden regions do not inherit blocks when a theme is enabled.
BlockHiddenRegionTestCase::getInfo function modules/block/block.test
BlockHiddenRegionTestCase::setUp function modules/block/block.test Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
BlockHiddenRegionTestCase::testBlockNotInHiddenRegion function modules/block/block.test Tests that hidden regions do not inherit blocks when a theme is enabled.
BlockInvalidRegionTestCase class modules/block/block.test Tests that a block assigned to an invalid region triggers the warning.
BlockInvalidRegionTestCase::getInfo function modules/block/block.test
BlockInvalidRegionTestCase::setUp function modules/block/block.test Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
BlockInvalidRegionTestCase::testBlockInInvalidRegion function modules/block/block.test Tests that blocks assigned to invalid regions work correctly.
BlockTestCase::$regions property modules/block/block.test
BlockTestCase::moveBlockToRegion function modules/block/block.test
block_get_blocks_by_region function modules/block/block.module Gets a renderable array of a region containing all enabled blocks.
BLOCK_REGION_NONE constant modules/block/block.module Denotes that a block is not enabled in any region and should not be shown.
DashboardBlocksTestCase::testDashboardRegions function modules/dashboard/dashboard.test Tests that dashboard regions are displayed or hidden properly.
dashboard_dashboard_regions function modules/dashboard/dashboard.module Implements hook_dashboard_regions().
dashboard_regions function modules/dashboard/dashboard.module Returns an array of dashboard region names.
dashboard_region_descriptions function modules/dashboard/dashboard.module Returns an array of dashboard region descriptions, keyed by region name.
DrupalSetContentTestCase::testRegions function modules/simpletest/tests/common.test Test setting and retrieving content for theme regions.
drupal_add_region_content function includes/ Adds content to a specified region.
drupal_get_region_content function includes/ Gets assigned content for a given region.
drupal_region_class function includes/ Provides a standard HTML class name that identifies a page region.
field_ui_display_overview_row_region function modules/field_ui/ Returns the region to which a row in the 'Manage display' screen belongs.
field_ui_field_overview_row_region function modules/field_ui/ Returns the region to which a row in the 'Manage fields' screen belongs.
garland_preprocess_region function themes/garland/template.php Override or insert variables into the region template.
hook_dashboard_regions function modules/dashboard/dashboard.api.php Add regions to the dashboard.
hook_dashboard_regions_alter function modules/dashboard/dashboard.api.php Alter dashboard regions provided by modules.
overlay_ajax_render_region function modules/overlay/overlay.module Prints the markup obtained by rendering a single region of the page.
overlay_get_regions_to_render function modules/overlay/overlay.module Returns a list of page regions that rendering should be limited to.
overlay_regions function modules/overlay/overlay.module Returns a list of page regions that appear in the overlay.
overlay_render_region function modules/overlay/overlay.module Renders an individual page region.
overlay_set_regions_to_render function modules/overlay/overlay.module Sets the regions of the page that rendering will be limited to.
overlay_supplemental_regions function modules/overlay/overlay.module Returns a list of supplemental page regions for the overlay.
region.tpl.php file modules/system/region.tpl.php Default theme implementation to display a region.
REGIONS_ALL constant modules/system/system.module Return all regions.
REGIONS_VISIBLE constant modules/system/system.module Return only visible regions.
system_default_region function modules/system/system.module Get the name of the default region for a given theme.
system_regional_settings function modules/system/ Form builder; Configure the site regional settings.
system_region_list function modules/system/system.module Get a list of available regions from a specified theme.
template_preprocess_region function includes/ Preprocess variables for region.tpl.php
ThemeTestCase::testDrupalAddRegionContent function modules/simpletest/tests/theme.test Test the drupal_add_region_content() function.
theme_dashboard_region function modules/dashboard/dashboard.module Returns HTML for a generic dashboard region.
_overlay_region_list function modules/overlay/overlay.module Returns a list of page regions related to the overlay.
_theme_test_drupal_add_region_content function modules/simpletest/tests/theme_test.module Page callback, calls drupal_add_region_content.

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