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Title Object type File name Summary
DrupalWebTestCase::assertNoFieldByXPath function modules/simpletest/drupal_web_test_case.php Asserts that a field doesn't exist or its value doesn't match, by XPath.
DrupalWebTestCase::buildXPathQuery function modules/simpletest/drupal_web_test_case.php Builds an XPath query.
DrupalWebTestCase::constructFieldXpath function modules/simpletest/drupal_web_test_case.php Helper function: construct an XPath for the given set of attributes and value.
DrupalWebTestCase::xpath function modules/simpletest/drupal_web_test_case.php Perform an xpath search on the contents of the internal browser. The search
is relative to the root element (HTML tag normally) of the page.
drupal_cache_system_paths function includes/ Cache system paths for a page.
drupal_clear_path_cache function includes/ Clear the path cache.
drupal_encode_path function includes/ Encodes a Drupal path for use in a URL.
drupal_get_normal_path function includes/ Given a path alias, return the internal path it represents.
drupal_get_path function includes/ Returns the path to a system item (module, theme, etc.).
drupal_get_path_alias function includes/ Given an internal Drupal path, return the alias set by the administrator.
drupal_lookup_path function includes/ Given an alias, return its Drupal system URL if one exists. Given a Drupal
system URL return one of its aliases if such a one exists. Otherwise,
return FALSE.
drupal_match_path function includes/ Check if a path matches any pattern in a set of patterns.
drupal_path_alias_whitelist_rebuild function includes/ Rebuild the path alias white list.
drupal_path_initialize function includes/ Initialize the $_GET['q'] variable to the proper normal path.
drupal_realpath function includes/ Resolves the absolute filepath of a local URI or filepath.
drupal_valid_path function includes/ Checks a path exists and the current user has access to it.
FieldUpdatePathTestCase class modules/simpletest/tests/upgrade/update.field.test Tests the Field 7.0 -> 7.x update path.
FieldUpdatePathTestCase::getInfo function modules/simpletest/tests/upgrade/update.field.test
FieldUpdatePathTestCase::setUp function modules/simpletest/tests/upgrade/update.field.test Overrides DrupalWebTestCase::setUp() for upgrade testing.
FieldUpdatePathTestCase::testFilledUpgrade function modules/simpletest/tests/upgrade/update.field.test Tests that the update is successful.
FileDirectoryTest::testFileCreateNewFilepath function modules/simpletest/tests/file.test This will take a directory and path, and find a valid filepath that is not
taken by another file.
FileFieldPathTestCase class modules/file/tests/file.test Tests that files are uploaded to proper locations.
FileFieldPathTestCase::assertPathMatch function modules/file/tests/file.test Asserts that a file is uploaded to the right location.
FileFieldPathTestCase::getInfo function modules/file/tests/file.test
FileFieldPathTestCase::testUploadPath function modules/file/tests/file.test Tests the normal formatter display on node display.
FileLoadTest::testLoadMissingFilepath function modules/simpletest/tests/file.test Try to load a non-existent file by URI.
FileScanDirectory::$path property modules/file/tests/file.test
FileScanDirectoryTest::$path property modules/simpletest/tests/file.test
FileTransfer::checkPath function includes/filetransfer/ Checks that the path is inside the jail and throws an exception if not.
FileTransfer::fixRemotePath function includes/filetransfer/ Returns a modified path suitable for passing to the server.
If a path is a windows path, makes it POSIX compliant by removing the drive letter.
If $this->chroot has a value, it is stripped from the path to allow for
chroot'd filetransfer systems.
FileTransfer::sanitizePath function includes/filetransfer/ Changes backslashes to slashes, also removes a trailing slash.
file_icon_path function modules/file/file.module Creates a path to the icon for a file object.
FilledMinimalUpdatePath class modules/simpletest/tests/upgrade/upgrade.test Performs point release update tests on a populated database.
FilledMinimalUpdatePath::getInfo function modules/simpletest/tests/upgrade/upgrade.test
FilledMinimalUpdatePath::setUp function modules/simpletest/tests/upgrade/upgrade.test Overrides DrupalWebTestCase::setUp() for upgrade testing.
FilledMinimalUpdatePath::testFilledStandardUpdate function modules/simpletest/tests/upgrade/upgrade.test Tests a successful point release update.
FilledStandardUpdatePath class modules/simpletest/tests/upgrade/upgrade.test Performs point release update tests on a 'filled' database.
FilledStandardUpdatePath::getInfo function modules/simpletest/tests/upgrade/upgrade.test
FilledStandardUpdatePath::setUp function modules/simpletest/tests/upgrade/upgrade.test Overrides DrupalWebTestCase::setUp() for upgrade testing.
FilledStandardUpdatePath::testFilledStandardUpdate function modules/simpletest/tests/upgrade/upgrade.test Tests a successful point release update.
FilterFormatUpgradePathTestCase class modules/simpletest/tests/upgrade/upgrade.filter.test Upgrade test for filter format identifiers.
FilterFormatUpgradePathTestCase::getInfo function modules/simpletest/tests/upgrade/upgrade.filter.test
FilterFormatUpgradePathTestCase::setUp function modules/simpletest/tests/upgrade/upgrade.filter.test Overrides DrupalWebTestCase::setUp() for upgrade testing.
FilterFormatUpgradePathTestCase::testFilterFormatUpgrade function modules/simpletest/tests/upgrade/upgrade.filter.test Test a successful upgrade.
ForumUpgradePathTestCase class modules/simpletest/tests/upgrade/ Upgrade test for forum.module.
ForumUpgradePathTestCase::getInfo function modules/simpletest/tests/upgrade/
ForumUpgradePathTestCase::setUp function modules/simpletest/tests/upgrade/ Overrides DrupalWebTestCase::setUp() for upgrade testing.
ForumUpgradePathTestCase::testForumUpgrade function modules/simpletest/tests/upgrade/ Test a successful upgrade (no negotiation).
FrontPageTestCase::$node_path property modules/system/system.test
GraphUnitTest::assertPaths function modules/simpletest/tests/graph.test Verify expected paths in a graph.

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