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Title Object type File name Summary
CommonSizeTestCase::testCommonFormatSize function modules/simpletest/tests/common.test Check that format_size() returns the expected string.
CommonSizeTestCase::testCommonParseSizeFormatSize function modules/simpletest/tests/common.test Cross-test parse_size() and format_size().
CommonXssUnitTest::testFormatStringAndT function modules/simpletest/tests/common.test Test t() and format_string() replacement functionality.
DateFormatTestCase::testDefaultDateFormats function modules/system/system.test Test the default date type formats are consistent.
DateTimeFunctionalTest::testDateFormatStorage function modules/system/system.test Test if the date formats are stored properly.
FilterDefaultFormatTestCase::testDefaultTextFormats function modules/filter/filter.test Tests if the default text format is accessible to users.
filter_formats function modules/filter/filter.module Retrieves a list of text formats, ordered by weight.
filter_formats_reset function modules/filter/filter.module Resets the text format caches.
filter_get_formats_by_role function modules/filter/filter.module Retrieves a list of text formats that are allowed for a given role.
hook_date_formats function modules/system/system.api.php Define additional date formats.
hook_date_formats_alter function modules/system/system.api.php Alter date formats declared by another module.
LocaleDateFormatsFunctionalTest class modules/locale/locale.test Functional tests for localizing date formats.
LocaleDateFormatsFunctionalTest::getInfo function modules/locale/locale.test
LocaleDateFormatsFunctionalTest::setUp function modules/locale/locale.test Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
LocaleDateFormatsFunctionalTest::testLocalizeDateFormats function modules/locale/locale.test Functional tests for localizing date formats.
system_add_date_formats_form_submit function modules/system/ Process new date format string submission.
system_add_date_formats_form_validate function modules/system/ Validate new date format string submission.
system_configure_date_formats_form function modules/system/ Allow users to add additional date formats.
system_date_formats function modules/system/system.module Implements hook_date_formats().
system_date_formats_rebuild function modules/system/system.module Resets the database cache of date formats and saves all new date formats.
system_date_time_formats function modules/system/ Displays the date format strings overview page.
system_default_date_formats function includes/ Provides a default system list of date formats for system_date_formats().
system_get_date_formats function modules/system/system.module Gets the list of defined date formats and attributes.
_system_date_formats_build function modules/system/system.module Builds and returns information about available date formats.

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