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Title Object type File name Summary
menu_update_7002 function modules/menu/menu.install Rename the primary/secondary menu blocks to match previously renamed menus.
menu_update_7003 function modules/menu/menu.install Add missing custom menus to active menus list.
MergeQuery::$needsUpdate property includes/database/ Flag indicating whether an UPDATE is necessary.
MergeQuery::$updateFields property includes/database/ An array of fields that will be updated.
MergeQuery::STATUS_UPDATE constant includes/database/ Returned by execute() if an UPDATE query has been executed.
MergeQuery::updateFields function includes/database/ Adds a set of field->value pairs to be updated.
ModuleUpdater class modules/system/ Class for updating modules using FileTransfer classes via authorize.php.
ModuleUpdater::canUpdate function modules/system/
ModuleUpdater::canUpdateDirectory function modules/system/ Determine if the Updater can handle the project provided in $directory.
ModuleUpdater::getInstallDirectory function modules/system/ Return the directory where a module should be installed.
ModuleUpdater::isInstalled function modules/system/ Checks if the project is installed.
ModuleUpdater::postInstallTasks function modules/system/ Returns a list of post install actions.
ModuleUpdater::postUpdateTasks function modules/system/ Return an array of links to pages that should be visited post operation.
node_access_test_node_update function modules/node/tests/node_access_test.module Implements hook_node_update().
node_admin_nodes_validate function modules/node/ Validate node_admin_nodes form submissions.
node_assign_owner_action_validate function modules/node/node.module Validates settings form for node_assign_owner_action().
node_form_validate function modules/node/ Form validation handler for node_form().
node_mass_update function modules/node/ Make mass update of nodes, changing all nodes in the $nodes array
to update them with the field values in $updates.
node_node_type_update function modules/node/ Implements hook_node_type_update().
node_search_validate function modules/node/node.module Form validation handler for node_form_alter().
node_test_node_update function modules/node/tests/node_test.module Implements hook_node_update().
node_type_form_validate function modules/node/ Form validation handler for node_type_form().
node_type_update_nodes function modules/node/node.module Updates all nodes of one type to be of another type.
node_update_7000 function modules/node/node.install Upgrade the node type table and fix node type 'module' attribute to avoid name-space conflicts.
node_update_7001 function modules/node/node.install Rename {node_revisions} table to {node_revision}.
node_update_7002 function modules/node/node.install Extend the node_promote_status index to include all fields required for the node page query.
node_update_7003 function modules/node/node.install Remove the node_counter if the statistics module is uninstalled.
node_update_7004 function modules/node/node.install Extend the existing default preview and teaser settings to all node types.
node_update_7005 function modules/node/node.install Add status/comment/promote and sticky columns to the {node_revision} table.
node_update_7006 function modules/node/node.install Convert body and teaser from node properties to fields, and migrate status/comment/promote and sticky columns to the {node_revision} table.
node_update_7007 function modules/node/node.install Remove column min_word_count.
node_update_7008 function modules/node/node.install Split the 'administer nodes' permission from 'access content overview'.
node_update_7009 function modules/node/node.install Convert node languages from the empty string to LANGUAGE_NONE.
node_update_7010 function modules/node/node.install Add the {block_node_type} table.
node_update_7011 function modules/node/node.install Update the database from Drupal 6 to match the schema.
node_update_7012 function modules/node/node.install Switches body fields to untranslatable while upgrading from D6 and makes them language neutral.
node_update_7013 function modules/node/node.install Change {node}.vid default value from 0 to NULL to avoid deadlock issues on MySQL.
node_update_7014 function modules/node/node.install Add an index on {node}.language.
node_update_7015 function modules/node/node.install Enable node types that may have been erroneously disabled in Drupal 7.36.
node_update_7016 function modules/node/node.install Change {history}.nid to an unsigned int in order to match {node}.nid.
node_update_dependencies function modules/node/node.install Implements hook_update_dependencies().
node_update_index function modules/node/node.module Implements hook_update_index().
node_validate function modules/node/node.module Implements hook_validate().
number_field_validate function modules/field/modules/number/number.module Implements hook_field_validate().
number_field_widget_validate function modules/field/modules/number/number.module FAPI validation of an individual number element.
OpenIDInvalidIdentifierTransitionTestCase::testStrippedFragmentAccountAutoUpdateSreg function modules/openid/openid.test Test OpenID auto transition with e-mail.
openid_login_validate function modules/openid/openid.module Login form _validate hook
openid_update_6000 function modules/openid/openid.install Add a table to store nonces.
openid_update_7000 function modules/openid/openid.install Bind associations to their providers.
openid_user_add_validate function modules/openid/

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