Search for count

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Title Object type File name Summary
AggregatorTestCase::getDefaultFeedItemCount function modules/aggregator/aggregator.test Returns the count of the randomly created feed array.
comment_count_unpublished function modules/comment/comment.module Returns a menu title which includes the number of unapproved comments.
comment_new_page_count function modules/comment/comment.module Calculate page number for first new comment.
ConnectionUnitTest::$originalCount property modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test
country_get_list function includes/ Get list of all predefined and custom countries.
DatabaseCondition::count function includes/database/ Implements Countable::count().
DatabaseReservedKeywordTestCase::testSelectReservedWordAliasCount function modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test
DatabaseReservedKeywordTestCase::testSelectReservedWordTableCount function modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test
DatabaseSelectComplexTestCase::testCountQuery function modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test Test that we can generate a count query from a built query.
DatabaseSelectComplexTestCase::testCountQueryDistinct function modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test Test that we can generate a count query from a query with distinct.
DatabaseSelectComplexTestCase::testCountQueryFieldRemovals function modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test Test that countQuery properly removes fields and expressions.
DatabaseSelectComplexTestCase::testCountQueryGroupBy function modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test Test that we can generate a count query from a query with GROUP BY.
DatabaseSelectComplexTestCase::testCountQueryRemovals function modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test Test that countQuery properly removes 'all_fields' statements and
ordering clauses.
DatabaseSelectComplexTestCase::testHavingCountQuery function modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test
DatabaseStatementEmpty::rowCount function includes/database/ Returns the number of rows affected by the last SQL statement.
DatabaseStatementInterface::rowCount function includes/database/ Returns the number of rows affected by the last SQL statement.
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::$resultRowCount property includes/database/ The number of rows in this result set.
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::$rowCount property includes/database/ The number of rows affected by the last query.
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::rowCount function includes/database/ Returns the number of rows affected by the last SQL statement.
DatabaseTemporaryQueryTestCase::countTableRows function modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test Return the number of rows of a table.
DBLogTestCase::getTypeCount function modules/dblog/dblog.test Gets the count of database log entries by database log event type.
DrupalWebTestCase::$redirect_count property modules/simpletest/drupal_web_test_case.php The number of redirects followed during the handling of a request.
DRUPAL_HASH_COUNT constant includes/ The standard log2 number of iterations for password stretching. This should
increase by 1 every Drupal version in order to counteract increases in the
speed and power of computers available to crack the hashes.
DRUPAL_MAX_HASH_COUNT constant includes/ The maximum allowed log2 number of iterations for password stretching.
DRUPAL_MIN_HASH_COUNT constant includes/ The minimum allowed log2 number of iterations for password stretching.
EntityFieldQuery::$count property includes/ TRUE if this is a count query, FALSE if it isn't.
EntityFieldQuery::count function includes/ Sets the query to be a count query only.
hook_countries_alter function modules/system/system.api.php Alter the default country list.
ImageAdminStylesUnitTest::getImageCount function modules/image/image.test Count the number of images currently create for a style.
ImageStyleFlushTest::getImageCount function modules/image/image.test Count the number of images currently created for a style in a wrapper.
ModuleTestCase::assertTableCount function modules/system/system.test Assert there are tables that begin with the specified base table name.
NodeRevisionPermissionsTestCase::$accounts property modules/node/node.test Users with different revision permission used by the test.
OpenIDInvalidIdentifierTransitionTestCase::testStrippedFragmentAccountAutoUpdateSreg function modules/openid/openid.test Test OpenID auto transition with e-mail.
OpenIDInvalidIdentifierTransitionTestCase::testStrippedFragmentAccountEmailMismatch function modules/openid/openid.test Test OpenID transition with e-mail mismatch.
PagerDefault::$customCountQuery property includes/ The count query that will be used for this pager.
PagerDefault::getCountQuery function includes/ Retrieve the count query for this pager.
PagerDefault::setCountQuery function includes/ Specify the count query object to use for this pager.
SchemaTestCase::$counter property modules/simpletest/tests/schema.test A global counter for table and field creation.
SearchCommentCountToggleTestCase class modules/search/search.test Tests that comment count display toggles properly on comment status of node
SearchCommentCountToggleTestCase::$searchable_nodes property modules/search/search.test
SearchCommentCountToggleTestCase::$searching_user property modules/search/search.test
SearchCommentCountToggleTestCase::getInfo function modules/search/search.test
SearchCommentCountToggleTestCase::setUp function modules/search/search.test Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
SearchCommentCountToggleTestCase::testSearchCommentCountToggle function modules/search/search.test Verify that comment count display toggles properly on comment status of node
SearchEmbedForm::$submit_count property modules/search/search.test Count of how many times the form has been submitted.
SearchQuery::countQuery function modules/search/ Builds the default count query for SearchQuery.
SelectQuery::countQuery function includes/database/ Get the equivalent COUNT query of this query as a new query object.
SelectQueryExtender::countQuery function includes/database/ Get the equivalent COUNT query of this query as a new query object.
SelectQueryInterface::countQuery function includes/database/ Get the equivalent COUNT query of this query as a new query object.
ThemeFastTestCase::$account property modules/simpletest/tests/theme.test

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