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Title Object type File name Summary
color-rtl.css file modules/color/color-rtl.css Right-to-left specific stylesheet for the Color module.
color.css file modules/color/color.css Stylesheet for the administration pages of the Color module. file themes/bartik/color/ file themes/garland/color/ file modules/color/ name = Color
description = Allows administrators to change the color scheme of compatible themes.
package = Core
version = VERSION
core = 7.x
files[] = color.test
color.install file modules/color/color.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the color module.
color.module file modules/color/color.module Allows users to change the color scheme of themes.
color.test file modules/color/color.test Tests for color module.
colors.css file themes/bartik/css/colors.css /* ---------- Color Module Styles ----------- */

body.overlay {
color: #3b3b3b;
.comment .comment-arrow {
border-color: #ffffff;
#main-menu-links li,
#main-menu-links a {
ColorTestCase class modules/color/color.test Tests the Color module functionality.
ColorTestCase::$big_user property modules/color/color.test
ColorTestCase::$colorTests property modules/color/color.test
ColorTestCase::$themes property modules/color/color.test
ColorTestCase::getInfo function modules/color/color.test
ColorTestCase::setUp function modules/color/color.test Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
ColorTestCase::testColor function modules/color/color.test Tests the Color module functionality.
ColorTestCase::testValidColor function modules/color/color.test Tests whether the provided color is valid.
ColorTestCase::_testColor function modules/color/color.test Tests the Color module functionality using the given theme.
ColorUnitTestCase class modules/color/color.test Unit tests for the color.module
ColorUnitTestCase::$test_values property modules/color/color.test
ColorUnitTestCase::getInfo function modules/color/color.test
ColorUnitTestCase::setUp function modules/color/color.test Set up the test environment.
ColorUnitTestCase::testColorPack function modules/color/color.test
ColorUnitTestCase::testColorUnpack function modules/color/color.test
color_form_system_themes_alter function modules/color/color.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
color_form_system_theme_settings_alter function modules/color/color.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
color_get_info function modules/color/color.module Retrieves the Color module information for a particular theme.
color_get_palette function modules/color/color.module Retrieves the color palette for a particular theme.
color_help function modules/color/color.module Implements hook_help().
color_palette_color_value function modules/color/color.module Determines the value for a palette color field.
color_requirements function modules/color/color.install Implements hook_requirements().
color_scheme_form function modules/color/color.module Form constructor for the color configuration form for a particular theme.
color_scheme_form_submit function modules/color/color.module Form submission handler for color_scheme_form().
color_scheme_form_validate function modules/color/color.module Form validation handler for color_scheme_form().
color_theme function modules/color/color.module Implements hook_theme().
color_update_7001 function modules/color/color.install Warn site administrator if unsafe CSS color codes are found in the database.
color_valid_hexadecimal_string function modules/color/color.module Determines if a hexadecimal CSS color string is valid.
ImageToolkitGdTestCase::colorsAreEqual function modules/simpletest/tests/image.test Function to compare two colors by RGBa.
ImageToolkitGdTestCase::getPixelColor function modules/simpletest/tests/image.test Function for finding a pixel's RGBa values.
ImageToolkitGdTestCase::testTransparentColorOutOfRange function modules/simpletest/tests/image.test Tests loading an image whose transparent color index is out of range.
image_effect_color_validate function modules/image/ Element validate handler to ensure a hexadecimal color value.
theme_color_scheme_form function modules/color/color.module Returns HTML for a theme's color form.
_color_blend function modules/color/color.module Blends two hex colors and returns the GD color.
_color_gd function modules/color/color.module Converts a hex triplet into a GD color.
_color_hsl2rgb function modules/color/color.module Converts an HSL triplet into RGB.
_color_html_alter function modules/color/color.module Replaces style sheets with color-altered style sheets.
_color_hue2rgb function modules/color/color.module Helper function for _color_hsl2rgb().
_color_pack function modules/color/color.module Converts an RGB triplet to a hex color.
_color_page_alter function modules/color/color.module Replaces the logo with a color-altered logo.
_color_render_images function modules/color/color.module Renders images that match a given palette.

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