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Title Object type File name Summary
dashboard_disable function modules/dashboard/dashboard.install Implements hook_disable().
dashboard_enable function modules/dashboard/dashboard.install Implements hook_enable().
dashboard_forms function modules/dashboard/dashboard.module Implements hook_forms().
dashboard_form_block_add_block_form_alter function modules/dashboard/dashboard.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
dashboard_form_block_admin_configure_alter function modules/dashboard/dashboard.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
dashboard_form_block_admin_display_form_alter function modules/dashboard/dashboard.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
dashboard_form_dashboard_admin_display_form_alter function modules/dashboard/dashboard.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
dashboard_help function modules/dashboard/dashboard.module Implements hook_help().
dashboard_is_visible function modules/dashboard/dashboard.module Determines if the dashboard should be displayed on the current page.
dashboard_menu function modules/dashboard/dashboard.module Implements hook_menu().
dashboard_page_build function modules/dashboard/dashboard.module Implements hook_page_build().
dashboard_permission function modules/dashboard/dashboard.module Implements hook_permission().
dashboard_regions function modules/dashboard/dashboard.module Returns an array of dashboard region names.
dashboard_region_descriptions function modules/dashboard/dashboard.module Returns an array of dashboard region descriptions, keyed by region name.
dashboard_show_block_content function modules/dashboard/dashboard.module Ajax callback: Displays the rendered contents of a specific block.
dashboard_show_disabled function modules/dashboard/dashboard.module Ajax callback: Shows disabled blocks in the dashboard customization mode.
dashboard_system_info_alter function modules/dashboard/dashboard.module Implements hook_system_info_alter().
dashboard_theme function modules/dashboard/dashboard.module Implements hook_theme().
dashboard_uninstall function modules/dashboard/dashboard.install Implements hook_uninstall().
dashboard_update function modules/dashboard/dashboard.module Sets the new weight of each region according to the drag-and-drop order.
Database class includes/database/ Primary front-controller for the database system.
Database abstraction layer group includes/database/ Allow the use of different database servers using the same code base. file includes/database/ Core systems for the database layer. file includes/database/pgsql/ Database interface code for PostgreSQL database servers. file includes/database/sqlite/ Database interface code for SQLite embedded database engine. file includes/database/mysql/ Database interface code for MySQL database servers.
Database::$activeKey property includes/database/ The key of the currently active database connection.
Database::$connections property includes/database/ An nested array of all active connections. It is keyed by database name
and target.
Database::$databaseInfo property includes/database/ A processed copy of the database connection information from settings.php.
Database::$ignoreTargets property includes/database/ A list of key/target credentials to simply ignore.
Database::$logs property includes/database/ An array of active query log objects.
Database::addConnectionInfo function includes/database/ Adds database connection information for a given key/target.
Database::closeConnection function includes/database/ Closes a connection to the server specified by the given key and target.
Database::getConnection function includes/database/ Gets the connection object for the specified database key and target.
Database::getConnectionInfo function includes/database/ Gets information on the specified database connection.
Database::getLog function includes/database/ Retrieves the queries logged on for given logging key.
Database::ignoreTarget function includes/database/ Instructs the system to temporarily ignore a given key/target.
Database::isActiveConnection function includes/database/ Determines if there is an active connection.
Database::loadDriverFile function includes/database/ Load a file for the database that might hold a class.
Database::openConnection function includes/database/ Opens a connection to the server specified by the given key and target.
Database::parseConnectionInfo function includes/database/ Process the configuration file for database information.
Database::removeConnection function includes/database/ Remove a connection and its corresponding connection information.
Database::renameConnection function includes/database/ Rename a connection and its corresponding connection information.
Database::RETURN_AFFECTED constant includes/database/ Flag to indicate a query call should return the number of affected rows.
Database::RETURN_INSERT_ID constant includes/database/ Flag to indicate a query call should return the "last insert id".
Database::RETURN_NULL constant includes/database/ Flag to indicate a query call should simply return NULL.
Database::RETURN_STATEMENT constant includes/database/ Flag to indicate a query call should return the prepared statement.
Database::setActiveConnection function includes/database/ Sets the active connection to the specified key.
Database::startLog function includes/database/ Starts logging a given logging key on the specified connection.
DatabaseAlterTestCase class modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test Select alter tests.

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