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Title Object type File name Summary
field_access function modules/field/field.module Determine whether the user has access to a given field.
field_add_more_js function modules/field/ Ajax callback in response to a new empty widget being added to the form.
field_add_more_submit function modules/field/ Submit handler for the "Add another item" button of a field form.
field_associate_fields function modules/field/field.module Allows a module to update the database for fields and columns it controls.
field_attach_create_bundle function modules/field/ Notify field.module that a new bundle was created.
field_attach_delete function modules/field/ Delete field data for an existing entity. This deletes all
revisions of field data for the entity.
field_attach_delete_bundle function modules/field/ Notify field.module the a bundle was deleted.
field_attach_delete_revision function modules/field/ Delete field data for a single revision of an existing entity. The
passed entity must have a revision id attribute.
field_attach_form function modules/field/ Add form elements for all fields for an entity to a form structure.
field_attach_form_validate function modules/field/ Perform field validation against form-submitted field values.
field_attach_insert function modules/field/ Save field data for a new entity.
field_attach_load function modules/field/ Loads fields for the current revisions of a group of entities.
field_attach_load_revision function modules/field/ Load all fields for previous versions of a group of entities.
field_attach_prepare_translation function modules/field/ Prepares an entity for translation.
field_attach_prepare_view function modules/field/ Prepare field data prior to display.
field_attach_preprocess function modules/field/ Populate the template variables with the field values available for rendering.
field_attach_presave function modules/field/ Perform necessary operations just before fields data get saved.
field_attach_rename_bundle function modules/field/ Notify field.module that a bundle was renamed.
field_attach_submit function modules/field/ Perform necessary operations on field data submitted by a form.
field_attach_update function modules/field/ Save field data for an existing entity.
field_attach_validate function modules/field/ Perform field validation against the field data in an entity.
field_attach_view function modules/field/ Returns a renderable array for the fields on an entity.
field_available_languages function modules/field/ Collects the available languages for the given entity type and field.
field_behaviors_widget function modules/field/ Determines the behavior of a widget with respect to an operation.
FIELD_BEHAVIOR_CUSTOM constant modules/field/field.module Value for field API indicating a widget can receive several field values.
FIELD_BEHAVIOR_DEFAULT constant modules/field/field.module Value for field API concerning widget default and multiple value settings.
FIELD_BEHAVIOR_NONE constant modules/field/field.module Value for field API indicating a widget doesn't accept default values.
field_bundle_settings function modules/field/field.module Gets or sets administratively defined bundle settings.
field_cache_clear function modules/field/field.module Clear the field info and field data caches.
FIELD_CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED constant modules/field/field.module Value for field API indicating a field accepts an unlimited number of values.
field_content_languages function modules/field/ Returns available content languages.
field_create_field function modules/field/ Creates a field.
field_create_instance function modules/field/ Creates an instance of a field, binding it to a bundle.
field_cron function modules/field/field.module Implements hook_cron().
field_default_extract_form_values function modules/field/ Extracts field values from submitted form values.
field_default_form function modules/field/ Creates a form element for a field and can populate it with a default value.
field_default_form_errors function modules/field/ Transfer field-level validation errors to widgets.
field_default_insert function modules/field/ Default field 'insert' operation.
field_default_prepare_translation function modules/field/ Copies source field values into the entity to be prepared.
field_default_prepare_view function modules/field/ Invokes hook_field_formatter_prepare_view() on the relevant formatters.
field_default_submit function modules/field/
field_default_validate function modules/field/ Generic field validation handler.
field_default_view function modules/field/ Builds a renderable array for one field on one entity instance.
field_delete_field function modules/field/ Marks a field and its instances and data for deletion.
field_delete_instance function modules/field/ Marks a field instance and its data for deletion.
field_extract_bundle function modules/field/field.module Helper function to extract the bundle name of from a bundle object.
field_extra_fields_get_display function modules/field/field.module Returns the display settings to use for pseudo-fields in a given view mode.
field_filter_xss function modules/field/field.module Like filter_xss_admin(), but with a shorter list of allowed tags.
field_flush_caches function modules/field/field.module Implements hook_flush_caches().
field_form_element_after_build function modules/field/ #after_build callback for field elements in a form.

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