function ddebug_backtrace

Same name in other branches
  1. 6.x-1.x devel.module \ddebug_backtrace()
  2. 7.x-1.x devel.module \ddebug_backtrace()
  3. 8.x-1.x devel.module \ddebug_backtrace()
  4. 4.x devel.module \ddebug_backtrace()

Prints the function call stack.


bool $return: Pass TRUE to return the formatted backtrace rather than displaying it in the browser via kprint_r().

int $pop: How many items to pop from the top of the stack; useful when calling from an error handler.

int $options: Options (treated as a bit mask) to pass on to PHP's debug_backtrace().

Return value

array|null The formatted backtrace, if requested, or NULL.

See also

1 call to ddebug_backtrace()
backtrace_error_handler in ./devel.module
Displays backtrace showing the route of calls to the current error.
1 string reference to 'ddebug_backtrace'
DevelDumperBase::getInternalFunctions in src/DevelDumperBase.php
Returns a list of internal functions.


./devel.module, line 637


function ddebug_backtrace(bool $return = FALSE, int $pop = 0, int $options = DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT) : ?array {
    if (Drupal::currentUser()->hasPermission('access devel information') === FALSE) {
        return NULL;
    $backtrace = debug_backtrace($options);
    while ($pop-- > 0) {
    $counter = count($backtrace);
    $path = $backtrace[$counter - 1]['file'];
    $path = substr($path, 0, strlen($path) - 10);
    $paths[$path] = strlen($path) + 1;
    $paths[DRUPAL_ROOT] = strlen(DRUPAL_ROOT) + 1;
    $nbsp = " ";
    // Show message if error_level is ERROR_REPORTING_DISPLAY_SOME or higher.
    // (This is Drupal's error_level, which is different from $error_level,
    // and we purposely ignore the difference between _SOME and _ALL,
    // see #970688!)
    if (Drupal::config('system.logging')->get('error_level') === ERROR_REPORTING_HIDE) {
        return NULL;
    $nicetrace = [];
    while (!empty($backtrace)) {
        $call = [];
        if (isset($backtrace[0]['file'])) {
            $call['file'] = $backtrace[0]['file'];
            foreach ($paths as $path => $len) {
                if (strpos($backtrace[0]['file'], $path) === 0) {
                    $call['file'] = substr($backtrace[0]['file'], $len);
            $call['file'] .= ':' . $backtrace[0]['line'];
        if (isset($backtrace[1])) {
            if (isset($backtrace[1]['class'])) {
                $function = $backtrace[1]['class'] . $backtrace[1]['type'] . $backtrace[1]['function'] . '()';
            else {
                $function = $backtrace[1]['function'] . '()';
            $backtrace[1] += [
                'args' => [],
            foreach ($backtrace[1]['args'] as $key => $value) {
                $call['args'][$key] = $value;
        else {
            $function = 'main()';
            $requestStack = Drupal::service('request_stack');
            $call['args'] = $requestStack->getCurrentRequest()->query
        $nicetrace[($counter <= 10 ? $nbsp : '') . --$counter . ': ' . $function] = $call;
    if ($return) {
        return $nicetrace;
    Drupal::service('devel.dumper')->dumpOrExport(input: $nicetrace, export: FALSE);
    return NULL;