7 calls to ctools_get_access_plugin()
- ctools_access in includes/
context.inc - Determine if the current user has access via a plugin.
- ctools_access_add_restrictions in includes/
context.inc - Apply restrictions to contexts based upon the access control configured.
- ctools_access_admin_render_table in includes/
context-access-admin.inc - Render the table. This is used both to render it initially and to rerender it upon ajax response.
- ctools_access_ajax_add in includes/
context-access-admin.inc - AJAX callback to add a new access test to the list.
- ctools_access_ajax_edit in includes/
context-access-admin.inc - AJAX callback to edit an access test in the list.
- ctools_access_group_summary in includes/
context.inc - Get a summary of a group of access plugin's settings.
- ctools_context_handler_summary in includes/
context-task-handler.inc - Get the array of summary strings for the arguments.